Healthcare Tech Advancing By Leaps & Bounds

Monika Kapoor
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2018

Originally published on The Tech Brewery!

The incessant pace of technology has revolutionized a great many industries. Healthcare is no alien to that change. Groundbreaking advances in technology have drastically improved Healthcare as we knew it back in the 20th century and before that. The fall in mortality rates and a much-improved patient care are the sweet fruits of that labor.

It must, however, be noted that healthcare professionals and various traditional practices have had to be adjusted to be brought in sync with technology. As new innovations come, that challenge of adoption is always going to be on the radar. Therefore, we must be vigilant about how various technologies impact this industry. Read on to learn more about the latest innovation

The Digitalization Of Health Records

The role of Electronic Health Records in totally replacing the paper records has been a welcome change for allied healthcare professionals around the world. Now nurses and technicians can go ahead and directly feed patient data into the digitalized system. As for as the admin side is concerned, medical billers along with coders make use of EHRs to schedule appointments, update patient records with diagnostic codes and submitting medical claims.

Following are some of the key benefits of EHR technology in healthcare:

EHRs come in really handy when physicians are examining patients who might have a previous history of allergies or intolerance to some type of medicines. Furthermore, EHRs are very easily accessible in any medical facility.

Better Public Health

EHRs offer a wealth of important data to clinical researchers, which is fundamental to making more advances in healthcare and treating complex or less understood health disorders. In addition to that, a central and standardized system all across the healthcare industry goes a long way in issuing rapid alerts with regards to viral or bacterial infections. Such practices will offer expert insight into how potent and widespread an outbreak is, allowing, in the process, preventative measures to be introduced at a much quicker pace.

Ease of Workflow

Medical billing personnel and coders are influenced immensely by EHRs. The spike in medical codes, jumping from 13,600 to 69,00 would justify that fact. But, EHRs have only eased the role of the said medical staff.

Feeding data into computer systems is a without doubt much convenient and time-saving as compared to the traditional paper-based methods. The claim that it reduces the errors in patient data and various other financial details is widely supported. Getting access to patient records digitally using smart and portable devices such as tabs are much easier and result in work efficiency and productivity.

Big Data And The Cloud

Big Data is a word that’s bandied around in the tech spheres. The term refers to the copious amount of data gathered from a variety of sources and then processed to be used to analytics. For an industry such as Healthcare that deals with the public on at a large scale, the importance of collecting and storing data is of huge import. Supplying this information to the right people i.e. analysts and experts, the information can prove beneficial in a variety of ways:

Cost Reductions

Making predictions about epidemics

Improving the quality of life

Reducing wastages

Improving workforce productivity

Making new drugs & treatments

As we move towards EHRs for fast, cost-effective and scalable solutions, our data storage needs will reach unprecedented proportions. The answer likes in Cloud.

What’s Cloud Computing?

As we move towards EHRs for fast, cost-effective and scalable solutions, our data storage needs will reach unprecedented proportions. The answer likes in Cloud.

Cloud computing is one of the most remarkable technologies in the modern world. Cloud makes use of hardware and software to offer services via the internet. That ensures health professionals and patients are able to access all sorts of files and data using internet-enabled smart devices.

Improved & Safer Data Storage

Cloud has made it possible to storage vast amounts of data at very low costs, minus the additional hardware and server expenses. As our reliance on EHR systems increases, Cloud storage stands to ensure data protection with strong backup and quick recovery services.

Improved Access To Big Data

Cloud is an instrumental tool for medical research. More and more healthcare IT professionals swear by Cloud’s effectiveness.

Cloud is a fabulous tool for the medical research and at the same time sharing medical information. More and more healthcare IT professionals are now showing a heightened interest in the Cloud for data analysis and information exchange tasks. The sharing of big data also creates a fertile ground for developing life-saving medicines & drugs.

Mobile App Technology In The Medical Field

The popularity of mobile apps has seen them appearing in even the most unexpected industries. Healthcare itself has no shortage of mobile apps to assist patients and medical professionals. It’s estimated that there are as many as 100k healthcare apps available today and that number is constantly on the rise.

Where Do Mobile Apps Fit Into Healthcare?

Offering a great deal of flexibility is the most standout benefit of mobile health apps. They’re not overly costly yet allow healthcare institutions a chance to offer a wide range of services. Along with that, mobile apps are also a cheaper means for patients to keep up with their medical needs.

While some apps are created with the purpose of spreading information, others are built to act as a bridge between patients and care providers. Healthcare apps are making a difference in the following areas:

Chronic care management

Medicinal dosage management

Expert Medical reference


Record keeping

Fitness & Weight Management.

Mental health

Final Thoughts

Well, there’s no doubt that the die has already been cast. Healthcare industry is undergoing huge transformation under the influence of technology. The health experts have no option but to embrace the power and endless capabilities that technology brings to their door. In the time to come, we’ll find the more technology receptive healthcare institutions take the lead and give rise to highly talented medical professionals. With so much data in our hands, we may even get very close to understanding and curing the incurable ailments known to humanity.

