How Is Coronavirus Disrupting The Digital Industry?

Pankhuri Chauhan
2 min readApr 27, 2020


Coronavirus or COVID-19 is spreading rapidly and wreaking havoc in the world. Its outbreak has not only affected people’s health but also disrupted the digital industry. Major industries such as Apple, Uber, Facebook, etc. are saying that revenues will definitely take a hit because of declining consumer demands.

The COVID-19 has undoubtedly disrupted the digital ecosystem as it upends the timelines and causes turmoil. This period of uncertainty marks an inflection that businesses may look back on as transformation. Or maybe turbulence? Who knows?

Some corners of the industry have already been hammered by the outbreak. COVID-19 has disarrayed various industries and their economy is at the mercy of the pandemic. Below I am mentioning some of the verticals that have been widely affected by COVID-19.

Travel & Tourism

People are becoming prudent and restricting non-essential travel activities. Due to the fear of community spread through travel & group environment, many events are also being canceled. Over 80 countries including Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and more have imposed travel bans to curb the new CORONAVIRUS. All this is directly impacting the travel & tourism industry and the hospitality industry as well in a big way.

Logistics/Supply Chain

The coronavirus has significantly disrupted the world logistics/supply chain. Undoubtedly, this industry has been one of the biggest casualties of the novel coronavirus.

Bars & Restaurant Industry

The higher authorities have clarified that bars, pubs, night clubs, and restaurants shall remain closed until further notice. This, clearly, reflects where the economy of this sector is going to take a turn. Doesn’t it?

The seriousness of the situation can be analyzed with the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.

All I can say is DO NOT PANIC! For more details, you can read this.

