Substantial Information on Google AdSense

Pankhuri Chauhan
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2020

Every business’s absolute dream is to make abundant money online. And do you know what’s crazy? It isn’t a pipe dream anymore. There are numerous ways that add to your revenue. In this article, however, I’ll be talking about the best way i.e. Google AdSense, to make money through your website.

What is Google AdSense?

Whenever you visit a website, you see certain sponsored ads. Google AdSense is basically an advertising placement service for these ads. It is designed for people who wish to display targeted videos, images or texts on their website pages.

The platform helps people earn higher ROI by creating highly targeted adverts (advertisements) for the advertised page. Whenever the site visitors click or even view the ads, the publishers get paid.

Basically, the website owners get paid based on various bid types for the ads –

· CPC (Cost per click)

· CPM (Cost per thousand impressions)

· Active View CPM (Active view cost per thousand impressions)

· CPE (Cost per engagement)

Benefits of Using AdSense

To your surprise, there are numerous benefits that AdSense offers besides revenue-growth. I have managed to make a list of a few top benefits. Anyways, you are welcome to expand the list in the comments section.

· It doesn’t require any specific product to sell. All it needs is a website with relevant and adequate informational content to make money.

· It asks for zero time-investment.

· Google provides the code that needs to be added to your website. So, you do not have to a great programmer to use AdSense.

· You can cater ads on multiple websites with a single AdSense account.

· No complicated technical processes involved. Anyone with the basic knowledge of computers can use AdSense.

· Now, comes the best benefit. It is FREE of cost. Also, the registration process is easy and you can earn a good amount of money with it.

Steps to Add Google AdSense to your Website

Step1: Set Up Your Site

Before you get started, you need to have a fully functional website else you won’t be able to apply to AdSense.

Step2: Apply to Google

Once you have a fully functional website that is in compliance with Google’s privacy policy, you can apply to AdSense.

Visit the Google AdSense website and click on the SignUp button to start the application process.

Google will then send you an email asking you to verify your email address and provide certain instructions. After all the formalities, the AdSense team will review your website (which may take a few days) for approval.

Step3: Configure Your Ads

After your account is approved, you can customize the ad appearance such as ad size, ad type, ad style, and more.

Step4: Paste Google AdSense Code onto Your Website

After you are done with the ad configuration, copy and paste the AdSense code to your website.

Step5: Verify Your Address

Once you start generating earnings from AdSense, Google will send you a card in the email. The card will include a PIN associated with your AdSense account. Follow the instructions to verify the PIN and your address.

After the verification, you will able to cash out payments when your account reaches the specified threshold limit.


· Never click on your own ads

· Don’t display ads on your eCommerce site

· Do not run the same ad unit over and over again

Final Words

It’s really easy to add AdSense to your Website. Enrolling into Google AdSense takes time to get into full swing, therefore, do not wait until the eleventh hour before to start. Go ahead and avail of the maximum advantages. Do not wait! To know more about the strategies (digital marketing strategies) that help you generate more revenue, click here.

