Voice Search — A New Player in the Industry

Pankhuri Chauhan
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2020

In lieu of addressing the growing demands of the people, technology has seen simultaneous advances in both material science and the digital world. Every little detail is, today, available on your fingertips.

Gone are the days when you had to type your queries in the search engines. With the advancing technology, voice has taken over text. Voice search is growing rapidly and a large no. of businesses are optimizing for voice-based search.

What is Voice Search?

It is a speech recognition technology that allows the users to perform a search via voice commands on smartphones or desktops. These queries are usually answered by digital assistants.

This approach is different from the traditional method of typing queries in the search boxes. Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana are all digital assistants that solve the users’ queries when they make a voice search. Let’s have a quick glance at the differences between voice search and web search.

Importance and Scope

It’s 2020 already, and 50% of the searches are made through voice commands. Voice search is becoming popular with all the age groups. It is changing search behavior. It is more conversational and natural. It enhances the user experience by letting them interact in a way as if they are talking to a person.

Not only it allows the users to ask queries about services and products but it also lets the users ask abstract questions about weather, location, and more.

From the business’s point of view, it is very imperative for businesses to optimize their website for voice search. This will allow them to stand out from their competitors. It is because, unlike the traditional search where the users are shown 10 results, voice search offers only 1 result. So, either you are a winner or a loser straight away.

Yes! That’s how important voice search has become. It isn’t just hype but a legit trend.

Bottom Line

In order to survive in the modern ecosystem, it is very crucial for the businesses to incline towards voice search. Do not wait and beef up your voice search optimization. Any comments are welcomed!

