Software Engineering Immersive Week 4 Recap

Yan Fan
Code Chrysalis [コードクリサリス]


TLDR: Discovery workshops at Pivotal, React, Webpack, and Redux, voice training…a lot happened!

Watch what we did!

Week 4 at Code Chrysalis!


Hi everyone!

My name is Krista and I am an instructor at Code Chrysalis.

It’s been really busy this week. It’s week four for our immersive students. and we’ve had a lot of field trips.

First, our cofounders made a visit to R/GA, one of our hiring partners and met up with Bill one of our graduates. He’s really liking his new job and will be coming back in a few weeks to teach a Foundations course for people who are just getting started in coding. So, if you are interested you should join us! We still have a few spots left.

Then, halfway through the week we had a special guest. Yumi is a professional opera singer and trained all the students to utilize breathing techniques to improve their speaking voices. This will be especially important in a few weeks when every student gives a two hour meetup to the public about their favorite technologies.

Finally, we spent the last two days of this week at Pivotal Labs, one of our industry partners. Students teamed up with [Pivotal] employees to learn more about lean startup principles and creating products with empathy for the end user.

Students also put together their first solo projects over the weekend which required building full stack applications.

This week we focused on learning one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, React. In the process they also learned about managing state with Redux and transpiling code with Webpack. All of these field trips reminded us just how inspiring the technology industry in Tokyo is.

In the next few weeks, you’ll be hearing from Code Chrysalis students who have come from as far as the U.S. Austria and Germany to spend time learning in this beautiful city.

Written on February 2, 2018

Code Chrysalis is a 12-week advanced software engineering bootcamp in Tokyo for entrepreneurs, advanced beginners, current developers, and dreamers.

Interested in joining? Apply here.

