Water Adventure — a 2024 Moonhack project

Code Club Australia
Code Club Australia
4 min readSep 3, 2024

The water cycle is something that we all learn about in school. This year’s Moonhack project extends this knowledge to build a fun animation showcasing the water cycle and then asks young people to extend their knowledge to create the water cycle in an alternate environment. Access to water is imperative for all aspects of life, so understanding the impact we have on the water cycle has made a great topic for Moonhack!

water adventure project

Haven’t registered for Moonhack yet? Make sure you register here to be counted.

Moonhack 2024 logo


To learn more about the water cycle we’ve got some great websites to visit.

What Is the Water Cycle? | NASA Climate Kids — This website looks at the water cycle and why NASA has satellites orbiting Earth to help us understand the water cycle.

The Water Cycle! — National Geographic Kids (natgeokids.com) — A deep dive into the water cycle and each of its stages.

Interactive Water Cycle Diagram for Kids (Intermediate) (usgs.gov) — an interactive image that displays information. This image explores further concepts such as snowmelt, runoff, seepage, and plant intake which will be very helpful as young people explore the next steps of their project.

About the project

By choosing this project young people will create an animation that follows the water cycle. A raindrop sprite tells a story using clones, colour effects, variables, and voice recording. Young people are then encouraged to develop the project further considering how humans impact the water cycle. They may adapt the project to include problems such as rubbish in our waterways, erosion, or endangered animals and/or habitats. They may code the water cycle to show the differences in different conditions such as drought, in a desert, or the Arctic.

The project is suited to coders with experience using Scratch. The use of a randomised variable to control colour effects can be a complex concept to understand. Our testers suggested taking time to read the instructions and really understand what the code blocks are programming the raindrop sprite to do.

You can view the project code along video where Kaye takes you step by step through making the project.

Will you be submitting your project and entering the competition? Submissions open October 14.


Meet St Helen’s Code Club! Our testers at this club tested many of the different projects and shared some great feedback. Indira and Maddy had this feedback to share -

We enjoyed being testers for Code Club. The graphic layout will keep [ the students] engaged. I loved how the lessons were interactive and engaging. The projects helped us
understand coding concepts better.

Curriculum Links

For educators who are using Moonhack in their classrooms, there are many links that can be made across the Digital Technologies curriculum.

Year 3–4 Digital Technologies

AC9TDI4P02 — follow and describe algorithms involving sequencing, comparison operators (branching) and iteration

AC9TDI4P03 generate, communicate and compare designs

AC9TDI4P04 — implement simple algorithms as visual programs involving control structures and input

Years 5–6 Digital Technologies

AC9TDI6P01 — define problems with given or co-developed design criteria and by creating user stories

AC9TDI6P02 — design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration

AC9TDI6P04 — generate, modify, communicate and evaluate designs

AC9TDI6P05 — implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input

The project also focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation — ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Water resource management is crucial in our fight against climate change. Understanding the water cycle and the impact that humans can have on it, both good and bad, is vital in taking steps to mitigate climate change.

Moonhack takes place from October 14th to 31st 2024. Make sure you register to be counted in this year’s numbers!


Moonhack Mission Control



Code Club Australia
Code Club Australia

Code Club Australia is a nationwide network of free coding clubs for children aged 8–13. https://codeclubau.org/