Code Creative’s New Home

Travis Toulson
Code Creative
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1 min readJan 13, 2017

Hey Everyone,

First, thank you all for following me here at Medium!

I’m excited to announce that Code Creative officially has a new home over at I have gathered most of my content from the ServiceNow Community and from here at Medium all into one place where I will be continuing to post moving forward.

The new site gives me a lot more control over the content so I can do things like syntax highlighting without having to bend over backwards, which to me seems pretty important for a developer’s blog. Also, I have ways that you can contact me directly from the site. Bottom line, I will have richer content than I could readily produce here at Medium.

While I will continue cross posting articles to Medium, LinkedIn, and the ServiceNow Community when it makes sense, the new site will be the best place to follow me to catch all the content. There is a subscription link on the new site if you want to continue to receive the latest in your inbox.

I already have quite a few new articles written that I will begin releasing next week. I look forward to serving you all in the community and I hope to see you at the new home of Code Creative.



Travis Toulson
Code Creative

#ServiceNow Consultant and application developer passionately serving the community and reimagining the future of software