Deploying Simple website using GitHub Pages [Beginner]

Meet Patel
Code Dementia
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2019

GitHub is the most popular online Version Control System and Code hosting platform.

To get started with Git and GitHub, you can go through

We’ll use GitHub and its service GitHub Pages to deploy our first website, which will have its own URL and can be accessible over the internet.
Note: You can host only Static websites on GitHub Pages, i.e. those with HTML+CSS+JavaScript only.

As you have your GitHub account set up, make a new repository by pressing + sign on top-right corner. Click New Repository. Give repository a name and then click Create Repository.
Note: Keep the repository Public else GitHub Pages won’t work.

Upload your HTML+CSS website files to the repository by clicking ‘uploading an existing file.’

Make sure to name main HTML file as index.html only.

Drag and drop your HTML-CSS files on the next screen.

As you have uploaded index.html and other files, go to settings tab on your repository.

Scroll down to GitHub Pages section. Change Source from None to Master branch of your repository.

The page will refresh, and check the same section again.

There will be a link shown as in the image here.

That would be the link to your website!

You can check out the repository used here in tutorial at and website is at

And we are done publishing our first website online using GitHub Pages for free!

To go advanced with GitHub Pages, go through the official documentation here:

Know more about web development at

Read more articles by Developer Student Club, DAIICT at

