7 Unique Features of Java That Show Why it is Preferred Over Other Languages.

Malav Gajjar
Code Dementia
Published in
5 min readJul 17, 2020

In the mid-1990s a former computer scientist James gosling invented one programming language, with Sun Microsystems which is very popular till now, this language is Java.


Now the question comes in everyone’s mind that why java is so useful, which features it contains so it is popular? Let’s talk about it.

The answer is that it contains some important concepts and features from where it differs from other programming languages. The main reason is that it’s platform independence. Java code can run on every computer because it has the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on it.

There are some of the biggest organizations are using Java. It has been around for so long. Like many banks, retailers, manufacturers are using Java. There is no sign for declining Java because it is an evolving language. Java is the example of longevity, it means that you’ve written the code 15 years ago will run on the most up-to-date JVMs (Java Virtual Machines).

Fundamentally, Java is Object-Oriented Programming language. Plus its objects contain no references, the code is robust. Moreover, it contains the library with classes. This language contains 50 keywords, however, there are thousands of classes with 10 thousand methods, that you can use in your program.

Being the popular language, it’s demand in the IT industry growing day by day. There are lots of job opportunities for software developers who have full command over this language. It continues to make jobs in the tech industry. Due to its scalability and solidity, Java is found on mobile, large-scale industry servers, desktop applications. It has also gained credibility in the ocean of Cloud Development and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Because of its popularity, it’s the strength of developers is increasing day by day, at present, there are around 10 million developers continues to grow it every day.

Java is not only used for software development but also used in several websites which you might have used in daily life, like Google, LinkedIn, YouTube, eBay, Amazon. Along with this, it is also used in security and performance, because it has a strong development map.

7 Features of Java: That makes it the most preferred language

7 Unique Features of Java

1. Higher Cross Functionality :

Programs that are written in Java on one platform can run on desktop, mobile, embedded systems, etc. Because there is philosophy Write once, run anywhere that not only allows it to be used in many ways on a wide verity of different devices but also lets it be used in many places.

There are several big companies like Airbnb, eBay and Uber are using Java for web applications. Java also helps us to develop applications for Android-based smartphones and Tablets.

If you think about its applications, there are many devices have already being controlled by Java, like ATM, medical devices, industrial robots, and from light bulbs to garage openers, you will find the power of Java.

2. Easy to Learn :

We all know that at the beginning of any programming language it is not easy to learn it, this also for Java, but you can be productive in a short time in any language if you have an interest. But once if you familiar with Java it is pretty easy to write code in Java.

One major point is that it is the most human-readable language. Its syntax is similar to the English language, with minimal symbols which makes it easier and quicker to read as well as learn. Hence, it is so popular and considered as one of the best programming languages.

It is important to note that there is no shortage of resources, websites, books, tutorial to learn Java because it is the oldest programming language.

3. Thriving Community :

Java has a very big thriving community. There are near about 10 million Java programmers in the world. There are so many devices run on Java, ranging from sports cars to medical services. That also signifies the wide verities of job opportunities for Java programmers.

When learning any language, its community is a huge factor & plays a very important role. And another important factor is that Cost. So in Java, you do not have to pay to make Java application.

4. Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) Language :

We are not saying that Java is a 100 % OOP language, but it is nearly. Java helps us to make OOP applications very easily. So if you want to work with Java then you must have the basic knowledge of OOP, because without OOP you can not make a single program of Java.

Other languages are using OOP like, C++, PHP, Python, JavaScript. Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, etc. are useful topics for OPP.

5. Awesome Tools :

Another reason is that it has two important and popular IDEs(Integrated Development Environment). And besides, there are other IDEs also like, DOS, Notepad ++, and other text editors also have excellent support for Java.

There are other important tools also like, Maven, Jenkins, ANT, Visual VM, and JConsole. They not only have code completion but have powerful debugging capabilities.

6. Legacy Enterprise :

Java is mostly used in legacy enterprise application development. Bake in the late ’90s, Java was a hot new language, at that time many companies adopted it. At that time it was so popular that some companies involved with Java.

Moreover, Java has a very large active user community. So if you are working with very big corporations’ project it maybe six months or a year with a big team, then Java is the best choice for you.

7. Multithreading :

In any programming language thread is the smallest unit of processing. And Java can perform several tasks simultaneously within the program.

It does not affect the others if one faces exceptions as they are working independently. This is very important in heavy applications and games.

Finally ……

We have discussed why Java is a powerful language, dynamic language, and the first choice for web developers. So choosing a professional Java development company for result-oriented applications will be one best thing to do.

Happy Learning :)



Malav Gajjar
Code Dementia

Future Software Developer | Coding Enthusiast | DAIICT