10 useful tools for Javascript development on Mac

Abou Kone
Code d'Ivoire
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2018

Here is a list of tools I use when developing front ends, mainly in AngularJS and Angular.

  • VS Code: Lightweight like Sublime yet easier to find and install new plugins. I’ve started skeptic but it quickly won me over.
  • json2ts: If you’re using Typescript and have to create interfaces for your incoming API data, it can be a pain to spend the time doing to the mapping manually. Save yourself some time with this online converter.
  • JSONLint: When you need to check the integrity of your JSON data
  • JSLint: I mainly use it when my IDE or Chrome Debugger tools fails to help me find subtle syntax issues in my code, things like a misplaced or missing closing parenthesis or bracket that still “parse” but results in errors. It also works for JSON.
  • JSONDiff: When debugging API requests, sometimes comparing request payloads helps. This helps with the diff
  • JSONPlaceholder: When you need to test our both your HTTP requests and maybe your display with some fake REST data.
  • SourceTree: When it comes to git I am not much of a command line guy except when it comes to rebasing operations, for everything else, SourceTree.
  • iTerm: A better Terminal for Mac users.
  • OhMyZsh: Liven up your shell with zsh.
  • DiffMerge: I’ve found it to work just perfect to resolve in a clear visual way these 3-way merge errors. Use these commands once installation is done to set it up as your merge tool.

What kind of other tools would you highly recommend?

I am CTO at AKIL Technologies, an Abidjan, Ivory Coast tech startup where I lead a team of Angular and React devs ready to contribute on interesting projects. Give us a toot if you need to beef up your front end teams!



Abou Kone
Code d'Ivoire

Chief Mercenary @akiltechnologies. @codedivoire founder. African Tech is on my mind.