Make the difference between Angular and Angular Js 1.x

Daouda Diallo
Code d'Ivoire
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2017
From Angular Js 1.x To Angular

Angular is not a simple evolution of Angular Js 1.x. In made Angular is a complete rewriting of Angular JS 1.x. In any case, Angular has many positive points, and a vision about which few of frameworks can boast. It was conceived for Web of tomorrow, with ECMAScript 6, Web Components, and the mobile.


ECMASCRIPT 6 is also called ES6, or ECMASCRIPT 2015. I admit it to you that I deceived me often by confusing ES5 and ES6 because of the name ECMASCRIPT 2015. What we call Javascript ( JS) is one of implementations of a standardized specification, called ECMAScript. The version of the specification which you know most is probably the version 5: it is the one used for several years.

ES6 adds one ton of features to Javascript, as the classes, the constants, the arrow functions, the generators … Angular was conceived to benefit from this new version of Javascript. Even if you can always use your good old Javascript, you will have many advantages to use ES6.


A transpileur sets of the source code ES6 in entrance and generates of the code ES5, which can turn in any browser. It generates even files source map, which allow to debug directly the code ES6 since the browser. At the time of the writing of these lines, there are two main tools for transpiler of the ES6:
· Tracer, a Google project.
· Babeljs, a project started by Sebastian McKenzie, a young developer of 17 years.



Daouda Diallo
Code d'Ivoire

Software Engineer/ Objectif Libre Developer | Co-founder and CTO of @legafrik. I game e-sport, football, and open source #js #typescript #angular #node