Announcing a new brigade action team lead by Code for NoVA

Jason Hibbets
Code for America Blog
2 min readJan 25, 2018

As a National Advisory Council (NAC) member for Code for America, I’m pleased to announce a new brigade action team (BAT) that we would like to prototype to foster cross-brigade collaboration. Since Brigade Congress in October 2017, I’ve been helping lead an effort with fellow NAC members, including Neil Planchon with guidance from many others, to develop a revised framework for brigade action teams. More details to come in a future post.

The reason for the announcement of this team before more details about the framework is because we wanted to test the steps in the framework to both propose a BAT and get them through the onboarding process. To get a BAT started, some infrastructure needed to be set-up, which you’ll see below.

For now, I’d like to introduce you to the iFoundADog brigade action team. The purpose of this project is to create a web application to establish a network of individuals to report missing pets (only dogs currently) to their owners.

The application will allow people who have found a dog to use the dog’s license number to find contact information for the dog’s owner. This application will combine public data from the dog registry with user submitted data in order to build a database of information, and make it easily available. Success means that more lost dogs are found and helped by this application.

The iFoundADog BAT leadership is:

  • Chair: Christopher Hedrick,
  • Secretary: Jeff Elkner,
  • NAC Sponsor: Jason Hibbets,

The kickoff meeting is February 1, 2018 at 7:30 pm ET, details on shared calendar below.

Here’s how you can follow the project progress and join in to help:

If you would like to join this brigade action team, email your name and GitHub username to the Secretary, Jeff Elkner (

If you have any questions, hit me up in the comments. More details about the revised framework will be posted soon.



Jason Hibbets
Code for America Blog

Owner at Soul Surfer Consulting, #CrowdVibes YouTube channel, digital creator working with All Things Open | Author http://theopensourcecity