Hear from Brigade Leaders on Preparing for National Day of Civic Hacking

Veronica Young
Code for America Blog
1 min readJun 21, 2018

On August 11, 2018, National Day of Civic Hacking (NDoCH) will convene community members across the country to host a nationwide day of action. This day of action brings together civic leaders to work with local governments to tackle some our toughest challenges.

This week, over 30 Brigade members and leaders came together to discuss their plans for the 2018 National Day of Civic Hacking; the theme for this year is Government By the People.

Watch the video here:

To register your NDoCH event and to stay up to date with resources, go to NationalDayofCivicHacking.org.


Jason Hibbets, Open Raleigh Brigade, (24:21) Click here to view Jason’s presentation

Noel Hidalgo, BetaNYC, (36:52) Click here to view Noel’s presentation

Tactical Urbanist’s guide to Materials and Design was also discussed on the call. You can view the guide here.

Check out the discussion on preparing for NDoCH on Discourse!

The next workshop is scheduled for Monday, July 9 at 4:00pm PT / 7:00pm ET. The topic will be Housing projects in the Network!

A special thanks to the presenters dealing with difficulties during the workshop, and to the attendees. And thanks to Hashim Mteuzi for editing together a video for this workshop.

