Introducing the first Code for Canada fellowship projects for 2020

The Code for Canada fellowship is back, offering developers, designers and product managers across the country (and beyond) the chance to put their skills to work in the public interest.

Luke Simcoe
Code for Canada
3 min readJul 25, 2019


Are you looking for an opportunity to use your tech and design skills to make life better for Canadians?

As a Code for Canada fellow, you’ll spend 10 months (January to September 2020) embedded in government, working with passionate public servants on a project that contributes to the common good.

You’ll push yourself as part of a cross-functional team. You’ll learn new skills and grow your talents. You’ll collaborate with your partners to tackle complex problems, and you’ll leave government in a better place than you found it.

Start your fellowship journey today at We’re accepting applications until August 23, 2019 at 1 p.m. EDT.

2020 Fellowship Challenges

Our 2020 government partners are excited to embrace new ways of working so they can deliver better products, services and experiences to their users. They’re also looking forward to meeting the fellows and digging in to some pretty cool projects.

Measurement Canada

From self-serve checkouts to zero-emission vehicles, the marketplace of measurement is rapidly changing. Fellows at Measurement Canada will help the agency adapt to this new landscape by designing tools that enable inspectors to better collaborate with clients and consumers, and easily ensure devices like gas pumps and electrical meters are accurate. Their work will help maintain the trust and fairness that so many of our commercial transactions depend on.

Transport Canada — Marine Safety

The seafarers who work on Canada’s marine vessels are part of an industry that moves 90 per cent of all trade goods. Transport Canada is responsible for ensuring crews on those vessels are properly trained, and the department processes some 27,000 seafarer certificates each year. Fellows working with the Marine Safety unit will transform the in-person, pen and paper certification process into a simple and secure digital experience. The marine industry relies on experienced seafarers, and fellows’ efforts will help them ship out more easily, quickly and safely.

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs

Ontario farmers contribute nearly $40 billion to the provincial economy every year and put food on tables across Canada. Fellows at Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will support growers by making data about pests and other crop threats more integrated, accessible and actionable. Their work will help farmers protect their crops, their businesses, and the environment. This project is funded in part through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

Transport Canada — Intermodal Surface Security & Emergency Preparedness

Every Canadian who works at a marine port or airport — from baggage handlers to pilots and service providers — must apply for and receive a security clearance. Fellows working with Transport Canada’s Intermodal Surface Security and Emergency Preparedness team will help adapt this process for the digital age. Their work will improve the experience for workers, reduce costly delays, and support the security of our national transportation network.

Apply now!

If you want to use your technology and design skills for positive impact, flex your skills on a cross-functional team and improve the way government works from the inside out, then apply to become a Code for Canada fellow today.

Want to learn more about the fellowship? Check out our website, hear firsthand from fellows on our blog, or watch previous fellows demo their products at the Code for Canada showcase.



Luke Simcoe
Code for Canada

Director of Outreach at Code for Canada. Telling the Canadian story of civic tech and digital government. Find me on Twitter: @code4luke