Getting Better at Public Speaking

Khyati Batra
Code for Cause
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2021

Humans are social animals and interaction is a major part of our daily lives. We are who we are due to the way we interact with each other, the kind of perceptions we form in each other’s heads, and how we portray ourselves to the real world. While most times one can shy away from commenting on a public affair or going up on a stage, it can sometimes be an inevitable task.

Public speaking is a skill that is always better to have. It not only shows that level of confidence of a person but also boosts it. It can alleviate your reputation on a bad day and open doors to numerous opportunities- if done right. A simple presentation at work can require good public speaking skills and can add to plain slides, more than you can imagine.

A good public speaking skill can land you a job after an interview and a poor one can bring you out jobless. Being well-spoken consumes a large portion of your personality and can make an impression with one sentence.

Here are a few pointers to follow if you want to improve your public speaking skills technically:

  • Structure your statements:

In a scenario that you know you’re going to be in a situation where you have to speak in front of an audience, decide a flow to your speech. If what you’re saying is well-structured, if not planned, it will always turn out advantageous.

It is always best to go with a standard format of greeting the audience appropriately, introducing what you will be talking about, mentioning a few important details that your audience must know, and lastly, concluding with a quirky punch-line and a good note.

If you’re going to an interview, simply decide a flow in which you will introduce yourself, what piece of information will come first, and follow the flow.

A structured speech always leaves a lasting impression.

  • Practice makes perfect:

Good grip on pronunciation and the intricacies of speaking a flow and with confidence comes with practice. A common technique to practice or memorize speeches or presentations is to say them out loud in front of a mirror. This helps you see and hear what your statements come off as and get an idea of how the piece sounds. This gives scope to correct mistakes in the process of learning how to deliver a speech correctly.

  • Set the tone:

Once in front of an audience, be mindful of the tone that the situation requires. An anchor at a party cannot have the same tone and manner of speech as someone giving an interview or an office presentation. Stay attentive to the mood of the scenario and refrain from making any statements that might hurt the sentiments of another.

If you’re sitting down for an interview, be attentive and maintain a professional tone at all times. You want to come off as confident, yet show the recruiters that you respect them and also have professional ethics. Be crisp and prompt in your answers and speak clearly and loud enough for them to hear you adequately.

The tone is what makes the music sound right.

  • Engage positively:

While catering to an audience, engagement goes a long way. It becomes extremely boring to constantly listen to someone speak. Give pauses and leave room for engagement. If you’re giving a presentation at the office, take pauses to hear other’s views. If you’re in an interview, try to engage with the recruiters by making small talk and talking about common interests from time to time.

Positive engagement ensures the audience’s attention span and helps give you reliable feedback on your speech or public speaking skills.

  • Have good body language:

You communicate with your appearance first especially in the case of public speaking. Nervousness or anxiety are easily shown if you don’t pay attention to your body language. It is essential that while public speaking, you keep your head high and walk straight and firmly. This makes you come off as confident and also subconsciously adds to your confidence.

Dress suitable for the occasion and carry it well. Always smile at your audience, maintain a positive vibe by using gestures to grasp their attention, and portray yourself through suitable facial expressions. These small intricacies help alleviate the value of the show by manifold.

Apart from all the tips given above, you need to believe in yourself. One must never fall prey to thoughts that try to tell them a task is tough or unachievable, as it only instills unnecessary fear in the mind and ruins the show.

When it comes to public speaking, treat it as a simple conversion while recognizing the mood and you can both portray and feel like a better and confident person if you do it right. We hope you can make an impression that lasts.

