71.6%? San José, let’s get to 100!

Yan-Yin K.Choy (蔡欣言)
Code for San Jose
Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2020

👋 Welcome

Hello civic tech friends! We welcome you to our August 2020 newsletter.

Equity and the Census

Only 71.6% of San José has responded and only 72.7% of Santa Clara County has responded to the Census. Let’s get to 100%! The deadline to respond is now September 30, 2020.
Please encourage your family, friends and neighbors to respond! The 2020 Census will determine critical community resources for the next decade.

Flyer with text encouraging people to respond to the 2020 census.

View fliers in Vietnamese and Spanish on this Twitter thread.

Updated Mission Statement

We have updated our Mission Statement and Core Values.

Viruses don’t discriminate, and neither should we.

Prejudice and discrimination will not fight coronavirus, sharing accurate information will. We are in this together. Learn more: covid19.ca.gov

Flyer with text encouraging people to not discriminate, and to share accurate information about the coronavirus.

Volunteers helped translate this poster into 11 languages. Learn more on this Twitter thread.

🎉 Code for San José Events

The Alpha.CA.gov team created a fast, accessible, readable, and open-source COVID-19 response site. Aaron Hans shared the team’s strategies at our July 23rd meetup. View the recording and view the slide deck. On August 6th, we learned about the structure of government — at the federal, state, and local level. View the slide deck.

Upcoming Events
User-Centered Approach to Developing the California Grants Portal and Civic Hack Night. August 20, 2020

SJSU Record Clearance Project & Civic Hack and Map Night. September 3, 2020.

People before Paperwork: A Day of Action to Strengthen Our Social Safety Net. September 12, 2020. We invite you to join us for a day of collective action to help those most in need of social safety net services during COVID-19. Everyone is welcome! No previous prep-work, experience or expertise required!

📈 Project Updates

For more project updates, view our civic hack night agenda slide deck.

Virtual Services for Inmates is a new project to explore solutions for virtual classes to local inmates. Do you have hotspot security knowledge? Join the conversation at #virtual-services-4-inmates on Slack. We are collaborating with the SJSU Record Clearance Project.

Tenants COVID-19 Helpline. COVID-19 has affected many Californian tenants. They can get connected to resources by texting “HELPLINE” to +1–650–600–7821. Our volunteers helped design and test this SMS tool for nonprofit Tenants Together. We also collaborated with the Stanford Legal Design Lab.

OpenStreetMap team has been adding data to racial justice mapping projects. View the map and learn how to get involved. New members are welcome. No coding skills necessary. Join us in the #osm channel on Slack.

San Jose City Council Meeting Participation is a new project with Only in San José. We are exploring solutions to simplify local government engagement. Attend the virtual August 18th city council and share your experience with this survey by Friday August 21.

Filing Taxes for Economic Justice

Did you know that GetYourRefund has helped more than 10,000 people access the tax credits they’ve earned? Read more.

Digital Inclusion for Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Students are returning to distance learning for the rest of 2020 in Santa Clara County. Many San José students and residents lack access to reliable internet and devices. They can get connected through the San José Digital Inclusion Fund. Get assistance or provide help. View a map of free wifi spots in San José.

Free COVID-19 Testing in Santa Clara County

Get tested for COVID-19 in Santa Clara County for free. Find a location near you on this website.
To learn more about COVID-19 in the State of California, visit https://covid19.ca.gov.
For local updates, go to Santa Clara County Department of Public Health’s website.

🐰 That’s all, folks!

Join us for our virtual meetups on August 20 and September 3.

Until next month, take care, and let’s keep up the good work!

Code for San José Leadership Team: Yan-Yin Choy, Captain; Joseph Richardson, Captain; Annie Steenson, Captain; Minh Nguyen, Leadership Team Member; Dane Olsen, Leadership Team Member; Lena Tran, Leadership Team Member; Diane Labenz, Leadership Team Member; Cesar Arellano, Leadership Team Member; Kate Valdes, Leadership Team Member; Lorin Camargo, Advisory Board Member; Michelle Thong, Advisory Board Member; Emily Ramos, Advisory Board Member; Erika Hudiono, Advisory Board Member; Darren Pham, Advisory Board Member; and Sunny Mui, Advisory Board Member

This newsletter was originally published on Mailchimp: https://mailchi.mp/0be547b9ab5e/august2020



Yan-Yin K.Choy (蔡欣言)
Code for San Jose

Pronounced: "YUHHN YEeEN". | Writer, Poet, Artist, Product Manager | Ohlone Land, East Bay