Code for San Jose Presents Inclusive Product Week

Brienne Wong
Code for San Jose
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2021

👋 Welcome

Hello civic tech friends,

Check out our recap of April including a new project pitch, project updates and open registration for Inclusive Product Week!

CfSJ’s Inclusive Product Week

Inclusive Product Week Banner

Code for San Jose’s Inclusive Product Week offers two nights of breakout sessions, workshops, and keynotes focused on designing and building products for everyone.

In celebration of GAAD (Global Accessibility Awareness Day), we’re bringing together digital technologists from all areas to talk, think, and learn about digital access and inclusion. Learn from designers, developers, and civic technologists who are passionate about building with and for everyone. If you’re interested in learning more about inclusive technology, how to improve your product’s accessibility, or how you can be an inclusion champion, then this event is for you! RSVP Today

✏️ Code for San Jose Updates

Darrell Malone, Executive Director of the Tubman Project, pitched the Police Misconduct Data Collaborative project in collaboration with the Tubman Project and Code for Boston. The Police Misconduct Data Collaborative aims to create a web application that allows members of the public to search through data related to police misconduct. This will help lawyers, activists, researchers and concerned citizens query through the datasets. They are interested in designers, project managers and senior engineers from Code for San Jose to help with the project.

We welcome our new teammate: Amruta: Assistant Director of Member Engagement, Xiao: Assistant Director of Project Management, Tiffany: Volunteer Coordinator and Markquis: Project Lead.

Open position: Director of Fundraising, Assistant Director of Backend Engineering, Assistant Director of Recruitment and Volunteer Coordinator are available.

Interested? Reach out to Annie on our Slack workspace.

🎉 Code for San José Project Highlights

  • Project Happening at the Moment drag and drop agenda items functionality is ready for testing, demo will be available soon!
  • Project E-Immigrate has been on track squashing bugs, improving user experience, and hammering out the administrative functionality. Still on track for the April 30th deadline!
  • Project OpenStreetMap has completed 13% of the point of interest import, including 24% of the high priority tasks, ⅓ of the schools and 15% of the healthcare facilities.
  • Project Open Disclosure is working on developing partnerships with Open Oakland, Open San Diego, and the City of San Jose.
  • Project Code for San Jose began the 3rd iteration of user flow and onboarded 4 new UX researchers. The project is in the early stages and is looking for engineers.

All active projects are looking for volunteers, check out the opportunities below. For more information and project updates, view our project listing data.

Job Opportunities

For more job openings, join our Slack workspace.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Data Scientists for City Agenda Scraper
  • Data Entry for and OpenStreetMap
  • Frontend Engineers for Democracy Lab, Happening ATM,
  • Product Manager for Happening ATM
  • Project Managers for, Civiform, Code for San Jose website

Check out more volunteer opportunities here or join our Slack workspace.

🌏 Events

The Code for America Summit is May 12–13, 2021. Click here for more information.

Code for San Jose Civic Hack Nights are on Thursdays from 6:30–9 pm. The next Code for San Jose Civic Hack Nights are:

🐰 That’s all, folks!

Join us for our virtual meetups on April 29 and May 13!

To get in touch with us, email us at, or find us on Slack. If you haven’t joined our Slack yet, go here.)

If there’s someone from your organization who’s not getting these updates, but should be, send them this link to subscribe to our newsletter.

Until next month, take care, and let’s keep up the good work!


Code for San José Newsletter Producer



Brienne Wong
Code for San Jose

Content Designer, Storyteller, Cook, Baker, Avid Reader and Movie Watcher, Hiker