Major Announcement from CFSJ

Brienne Wong
Code for San Jose
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2021

👋 Welcome

Hello civic tech friends,

Check out our recap of August activities including leadership retreat recap, project updates, job and volunteer opportunities and a major announcement.

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✏️ Code for San Jose Updates

Code for San Jose held its first hybrid event! The Code for San Jose leadership team and partners met in person and virtually to discuss the future of Code for San Jose and celebrate its successes including increases in new volunteers, Slack users, projects, and partners! Ellina Yin from Only in San Jose discussed where CFSJ can make the biggest impact in the community and everyone participated in brainstorming sessions and team building exercises.

Major Announcement
Code for San Jose’s leadership team is sunsetting our Civic Action Nights. Majority (13 to be specific) of our projects host separate team meetings outside of our traditional Civic Action Nights. Instead of hosting an all-in-one event like “Civic Action Night”, CFSJ’s leadership team will now host separate volunteer onboarding events, speaker events, workshops/tutorial events, and networking events.

Joining as a new volunteer? Come to our onboarding events!
Want to know when people meet with their project teams? Join our Slack workspace.

In order to stay up to date with what events Code for San Jose is putting on, please follow our Meetup page.

🍁 Leadership Changes

We welcome our new teammates: Bobby: Fundraising Coordinator/Grant Writer; Judith, Megan, Pavan, Quintanilla, Vanessa: Volunteer Coordinators.

Open leadership positions: Director of Recruitment, Assistant Director of Backend Engineering, Executive Assistant, and Marketing Coordinator are available.

Interested? Reach out to Annie on our Slack workspace.

🎉 Code for San José Project Highlights

  • Project is partnering with One Degree, a nonprofit that helps low-income families access free resources.
  • Project Heart of the Valley has filled all the open roles on the team!
  • Project Catalyze SV finalized their interview script and will start reaching out to community partners to learn more about how the community experiences civic engagement.
  • Project E-immigrate completed most of the version 2 features of the website.

All active projects are looking for volunteers, check out the opportunities below. For more information and project updates, view our project listing data.


Job Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Project City Agenda Scraper is building a scraper that automatically reviews public meeting information agendas in order to provide interesting and relevant information to community members.
Open Roles: Data Scientists, Project Manager, Product Manager, and Python Web Scraper

Project Code for San Jose website is designing the Code for San Jose website to recruit volunteers and demonstrate CFSJ’s impact to sponsors, partners and community supporters.
Open Roles: UX Designer, Software Project Manager, and Frontend Software Engineer

Project Happening at the Moment is building a web application that helps San Jose residents browse City Council Agendas, subscribe to specific Agenda Items, and receive notifications for when their Agenda Items are discussed.
Open Roles: Backend Software Engineer, Frontend Engineer, UX Designer

Check out more job and volunteer opportunities by joining our Slack workspace.

🌏 Events

Code for America’s National Day of Civic Hacking is on September 18. The Code for America community is partnering with Transform 911 to evaluate how emergency response systems work around the country. Participate in open data, research, and design thinking actions in order to reimagine the 911 emergency response system to be truly human-centered. The last day to register is September 16.

Check out our upcoming events:

🐰 That’s all, folks!

Join us for our virtual meetups on Sep 2 and Sep 9!

To get in touch with us, email us at, or find us on Slack. If you haven’t joined our Slack yet, go here.)

If there’s someone from your organization who’s not getting these updates, but should be, send them this link to subscribe to our newsletter.

Until next month, take care, and let’s keep up the good work!


Code for San José Newsletter Producer



Brienne Wong
Code for San Jose

Content Designer, Storyteller, Cook, Baker, Avid Reader and Movie Watcher, Hiker