Redesigning Razing the Bar’s Website

Namrata Challa
Code for San Jose
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2020

In May 2019, Razing the Bar’s founders Dontae Lartigue and Ty Thompson reached out to our Code for San Jose brigade to help redesign their website. Razing the Bar is a non-profit that empowers former foster care youth and under resourced youth through mentorship and housing support services to support their transition into adulthood.

The Code for San José Team:

Our volunteers Sunny Mui, Julie Roh, An Nguyen, and Melanie Vilchez began working together for the next three months to redesign the website. They kicked off the project by developing a sitemap, drafting UI mockups and worked with Razing the Bar to get the written copy for each page. In addition to the bi-weekly civic hack nights, the team met outside of the meetings. Each member took charge of different aspects. Some highlights include:

Sunny Mui — Added an animated Timeline page, integrated an online donation capability, created custom template and supported photo editing efforts.

Julie Roh — Worked on UX/UI mockups in Sketch and then high fidelity prototypes in Zeplin while also collaborating with the client to develop content for the website.

An Nguyen — Communicated with Razing the Bar partners, organized and obtained necessary written copy from the client and built out various pages for the website.

Melanie Vilchez — Kicked off all the work on Wordpress, helped build out various pages, and communicated with the client.

The new Razing the Bar Website:

We presented the final website to the Razing the Bar team in August 2019 and they LOVED it! In fact, Ty swung by our next meetup and presented the team with shirts and also gave Code for San José a shoutout on the website!

Homepage of Razing the Bar’s new website design featuring two students shaking hands
Homepage of Razing the Bar’s new website design

Check out the final website and learn more about Razing the Bar!

Razing the Bar student stories & and the Code for San Jose shoutout!
Razing the Bar student stories & and the Code for San Jose shoutout!

A huge thank you to Razing the Bar for partnering with us to redesign their website and to our Code for San José team for all their hours and amazing work!

Interested in collaboration? Learn more about our projects. Pitch an idea for a project by sending us an email at!

Want to join Code for San Jose? RSVP on our Meetup group and drop by our next Code for San Jose Civic Hack Night! We’re a volunteer civic innovation organization and welcome everyone with an interest in solving community problems with community partnerships, UX research, design and technology. Coding experience is not necessary to participate.

Written by Namrata Challa, Code for San José Advisory Board Member

