Set up MongoDB in less than five minutes

Ted Wu
Code Intersect
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2016

I had some trouble setting up mongoDB when I was looking at the docs. In this post, I want to share how I set up mongoDB on my computer. Let’s still follow the guide because it does a great job.

  1. First, install Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager that makes your life easier when you want to install packages in OSX.

Run this to install Homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2 ) After installing Homebrew, let’s install mongoDB.

brew install mongodb

3) All mongo processes are stored in /data/db by default but you can specify your own dbpath but let’s do data/db first. In the docs, it says:

mkdir -p /data/db

but you need to do because you need to be the super user for access

sudo mkdir -p /data/db

Now we can try running mongod, which is the primary daemon process for the mongoDB.

Daemon is basically a background process that keeps running when you start it. It listens to requests, changes, and errors.


You might get this error because of permission issues

[initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 10309 Unable to create/open lock file: /data/db/mongod.lock errno:13 Permission denied Is a mongod instance already running?, terminating

Don’t worry. You can open mongod.lock by giving access to the $USER

sudo chown -R $USER /data/db

Now run mongod again.

DB is working!

BOOM! Super easy set up. Now you can go to a mongo shell and do some cool things.


Type in mongo to start the mongoDB shell.

mongo shell



Ted Wu
Code Intersect

Life-long learner. ENFP. My mission is to invest in relationships and seek harmony within my career, financial, social, physical, and community wellbeings