5 reasons you cannot miss the Global Travel Hackathon

Barbora Hanousková
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2019

The next big thing in hackathons? A global one!

Did you know? 27 September is World Tourism Day. We decided to celebrate the day by attending and organising travel hackathons all over the globe on that day. We want to bring together engineers, designers, and innovators: providing them with a creative and supportive environment and encouraging their ideas on how to hack travel.

So far, we managed to get together eight locations: Barcelona, London, Zagreb, Belgrade, Brno, Strasbourg, San José, and Chetumal.

Why should you join us in one of them? Well, here are some ideas:

1. Be a part of the global #HackTravel movement and compete with engineers worldwide

We’re kicking off a global initiative, and we hope to kickstart a global #HackTravel movement that would become a platform for constant improvement in the travel industry.

Our attempt was already joined by Google Developers Groups worldwide, Rector London and SAB Aerospace.

By joining the Global Travel Hackathon, you’ll have a fantastic opportunity to be a part of a unique event and measure your skills in an international environment, since we’re opening a global round for all the winners of local hackathons.

2. Reshape the way we travel and make it smarter, more sustainable and accessible for everyone

At Kiwi.com, we care! We love the world of travel, but we’re aware of its dark side. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to help us reshape the way we travel to make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.

What can you work on? For example, you can focus on how to:

  • deal with mass tourism or support local economies
  • make travel better for people with disabilities
  • find well-adapted hotel rooms or accessible restaurants
  • make travel smoother for travellers flying with their musical instruments, bikes or surfboards
  • develop a travel network based on your interests
  • let tourism become a tool for offline and online community development
Help us reshape the way we travel to make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.

3. Win up to € 4,000 of travel vouchers and a weekend in Prague for the whole team

The winning project of each location will be invited to send a demo for a global round, in which top Kiwi.com developers and managers choose the winner of the global prize.

And well, if you use Kiwi.com’s Nomad, € 4,000 of travel vouchers can be enough to visit all the continents!

4. Learn a lot, have fun

Here are only a few examples of how people describe our hackathons:

An excellent opportunity to get to know new people and to demonstrate how different knowledge profiles can work together.

24 hours full of learning all kinds of different things: presenting, teamwork, programming, design, and food and drinks.

The best way to check your knowledge in a fun way!

Usually, they come to meet new people and learn new stuff. A great example is, for instance, the winning team of our hackathon in Barcelona who managed to learn the basics of React during the night!

Fernando, one of the team members, says:

We wanted to implement Orbit [Kiwi.com’s open-source design system]. At first, we tried to implement it with Vue.js, but after four hours of creating a stack and implementing Orbit, it turned out that it was not working. At 5 AM, we switched to implementing it with React and in the end, we succeed.

Even though Fernando also described React as the biggest challenge, the fact that they applied an unknown library and made it work got them the main prize.

When working on your projects, you won’t be alone. You’ll have plenty of top Kiwi.com mentors at your disposal who will be ready to help you, challenge your ideas and share their experience.

5. Get feedback on your ideas and technical solution

The winning team from each location will be invited to participate in the global round. They will be asked to submit demos of their apps and projects (the round will be 100% remote) and their submissions will be judged by Kiwi.com’s managers and to engineers.

Don’t miss the chance to validate your ideas and apply today!

All you need to do is go to hack.travel, choose your location and apply for Barcelona, London, Zagreb, Belgrade, Brno, Strasbourg, San José, and Chetumal.



Barbora Hanousková

Professional daydreamer, occasional poet and a little bit of everything | UX Writer and ex-editor of code.kiwi.com