Engineering adventure in Brno

Lukas Kyzlik
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2017

Brno hosted the final round of EBEC 2017 — Europe’s biggest engineering competition.

More than one hundred tech students from all over Europe descended on Brno in early August. Their mission was to find creative solutions for engineering tasks and compete for the coveted title of “European Champions of Technology”.

EBEC stands for “European BEST Engineering Competition”. It’s the biggest engineering competition in Europe and is organised by students for students.

The Final Round of EBEC 2017 was organised by BEST Brno: a local branch of the nonprofit and non-political organisation Board of European Students of Technology (BEST). They worked in cooperation with lots of partners, including

The competition lasted four days and teams of four competed in two categories: Case Study and Team Design.

Case Study

In this category, teams were assigned technology problems to analyse and find solutions for. Their specific tasks included the following:

  • Create a plan for a Sensoric laboratory in the Brno Exhibition Hall for a smarter city
  • Design a smart home based on smart grids
  • Create a new heating system to be installed in the smart homes
  • Develop a public transport system/service to make transportation easier for the visually impaired

Team Design Category

Teams in this category had a limited time to design and construct innovative solutions for two engineering problems.

  1. Create a vehicle capable of lifting three boxes from a shelf, carrying them through an obstacle course and storing them on another shelf at the end of the course.
  2. Design an easily mountable and robust roof rack mount.

Winners of the #AdventureInBrno

Congratulations to these two winning teams who were both awarded with vouchers:

  • Vitruvius won the Team Design category.
  • IDEAL won the Case Study category.

We hope they fly somewhere nice to celebrate their achievement.

Both winning teams were from the Romania and Republic of Moldova region. They showed good time management and created robust solutions that were comparative with commercial engineering projects.

You can see lots more really great pictures of the event here.’s Jiří Nečas at the Official Closing Ceremony of EBEC 2017

