Mobile Team is going to mDev Camp, win a ticket & go too

Barbora Zemanova
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2018

Heads up all you mobile enthusiasts! Mobile Team has come up with a contest to challenge your programming skills. As a reward, you can get tickets for mDev Camp happening in Prague on June 15! Read on to find out more about them and scroll down to get the rules.

Get to know the mobile team

Hopefully, you’ve already heard about’s mobile team. We’re mobile freaks with one main mission — to have the best travel app in the world. Yes, we aim high but it says a lot about us: this is exactly who we are and how we work.

But, we don't know everything of course. Everyone needs inspiration and to keep up with new trends. Within the world of mobile apps development, this applies even more.

Going to mDev Camp to grow

While working constantly on a better product, we also take time for professional and personal development. And for us, there is no better opportunity in the Czech Republic than joining mDevCamp 2018 in Prague. An event where all those interested in mobile meet up, share their knowledge and learn from each other.

Be there too! Accept our challenge

Would you like to go to mDev camp with us? We have two spare tickets to mDev Camp and we’ve reserved a spot for you in our private bus from Brno to Prague and back. This way you'll have an opportunity to meet the entire mobile team and enjoy mDevCamp with us. All you need to do is to check the rules below.

Do you already have tickets to mDevCamp? Stop by the booth to catch up. We look forward to meeting you.

Win a ticket for mDev Camp

You can win a ticket for mDevCamp in Prague, the biggest conference in the Czech republic for mobile fans. We’ll include your transportation from Brno to Prague and back. And, what's more, the Mobile team will accompany you on the trip.

What do you have to do?

Impress us with your code for the best loading indicator for the mobile app and the ticket is yours. The best solution will be chosen by the head of our mobile department, Karel Souček.

How to send it?

Send us your source code link in Git to the

When is the deadline?

Send your work before June 11, we'll choose the best solution the next day, on June 12.

When does mDevCamp take part?

15.6. 2018

We're look forward to receiving your solution and to meeting you!

