Move the picture!

Michaela Martišová
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2017

“Move the picture!” was the captivating theme of the 17th Film Festival to be held at Masaryk University.

17th Annual Film Festival on the 17th of May: how auspicious.

This annual event is something to behold. Hundreds of people gather each year at the Faculty of Informatics to watch the best short films produced by students of the university. Two theatres screen movies at the same time and they cover every genre you can imagine.

Check out their Youtube channel to see which film you like the most…

When the last movie ended, the voting closed and two prizes were awarded. Below are the results of the competition.

Jury’s Choice Award

1st Place — Co se dělo ve škole
Tie 2nd — TRANS(AP)PARENT 87 and GIN
4th — Skate ’n’ roll
5th — Pár

Viewer’s Choice Award

1st Place — GIN
3rd — Lepší než Karkulka
4th — Co se dělo ve škole
5th — Jednosmerný lístok

The festival was organised almost exclusively by the students. They created the visual style, made the films, handled the logistics, wrote articles for the media and contacted sponsors. They certainly did a great job convincing to get involved as a Gold Partner.

We set up a booth to chat with the students and provide rewards in exchange for their riddle-solving abilities. Of course, a booth would not be complete without bananas and socks.

We loved the atmosphere and the positive energy and we’re already looking forward to the 18th edition next year.

