Testable code: making the (testing) world better

Dmitry Dygalo
Published in
9 min readAug 23, 2018

What does it mean to have testable code? In general, it means, that the code is easy to test and it’s easy to set up a testing environment. Sometimes it’s tough to make code testable, especially in a large, legacy codebase, but I’d like to tell you some approaches and tips, that could help you make your code more maintainable, understandable, and reliable.

Currently, I’m working on splitting a big legacy monolith into small and handy microservices. This kind of activity often goes together with refactoring and fixing old problems. If we are starting with a fresh new project, then why not do things right (again?) at the beginning?

My story is about some notorious programming problems I was facing and how I solved these problems.

Global variables

Global variables are variables with global scope, which means that they are generally accessible from any place of the program. I’ll be sloppy and won’t talk about some exceptions, because they don’t change the overall picture.


or even:

Is this familiar? Global variables are not bad but often used in the wrong context. Context is what matters.

We have to use the right tool for the right job

Let’s look at what happens when global variables are misused.

It’s hard to test

Having global variables makes it harder to set up a clean environment for a test. It means that the global state is shared across test runs. If you change a global state, then you’ll have to reset it for the next test, and so on.

The test failed because the shared_holder object is the same in both tests and it was modified during the first test. Which test will fail in this suite depends on the execution order, which is another bad thing.

Makes thread-safety implementation more complicated

Having global variables accessible by multiple threads often implies usage of synchronisation mechanisms, which makes the code more complicated and also affects performance.

The naive, not thread-safe version:

$ python not_thread_safe.py

Thread-safe version:

$ python thread_safe.py

If someone can change it — you can’t rely on it.

Therefore using a global state usually makes the program less predictable and more complicated. Also, it makes debugging harder since it will be harder to detect who changed a global variable. And, consequently, it makes people less interested in writing tests or refactoring.

But, you can’t entirely avoid a global state, because something’s always global. For example, the runtime environment is global. Your os, sysare both in this category. It’s handy to use global variables in small and simple programs with a few modules if it doesn’t introduce the complexity mentioned above, or at the very least, this behaviour is isolated and manageable.

How to (not) fix it

In some cases, to make things work, you could monkey patch the module with a newly created object. In large projects, it could lead to monkey patching a significant amount of different modules.

In the example above, the monkeypatch fixture from py.test is used. It allows you to modify objects and rollback these changes automatically.

The patched fixture monkey patches the loaded module with freshly created Holder instance. If you remove this fixture, then test_decrementer will fail, because it will use a global variable that changed in test_holder.

In this situation, we have only two tests, and we need to add special machinery to make things work. If there would be more modules where the global state could change, the complexity would increase dramatically. As a project grows with speed, it’s almost impossible to know where and how the global state was changed. Fixing these things will be even harder, especially if you have dynamic imports and global things are initialised on import.

Your integration tests will be weaker, because they test less real code and more mocked code. It decreases the actual code coverage. Also, the test suite becomes more fragile, since some tests could depend on the execution order.

It might fix some symptoms, but it won’t fix the problem.

The global state in the previous examples is hardly predictable. Let’s change it and make it manageable. The first step is to take control when the object is initialised. We want to initialise it only when we need it; just in the desired context. This type of refactoring is known as «Extract Method».

Deferred initialisation. Flask example

Flask has a beautiful way of solving this problem — init_app pattern.
It allows you to isolate some global state in an object and control when to initialise it. Also, it used to register some teardown logic for this global object.

In our project, the most problematic global state was the DB. We’re using pytest and the database initialises during importing things in top-level conftest.py. Then the testing database was initialised as a fixture, and all the modules used in the project were monkey patched with this new object. Let’s see how our code could be changed with theFlask-SQLAlchemy extension, that provides aninit_app pattern:



Now the database is initialised only when the application initialises — we put the DB into application context. As a consequence, we don’t have to initialise another database connection in tests and make monkey patches. We’re managing this global state — we create a session on demand, only when it is needed.

Application factory

However, application is still global, and it initializes on import. If we didn’t initialise the DB before running the tests, it wouldn’t work. To address this problem the application factory pattern exists. The basic idea is to isolate the application instance creation in a separate function.

There are a few benefits of doing this:

  • Isolate the side-effects of creating an application on the module-level. An application instance is created after the test session starts
  • Flexibility — multiple apps and/ore different settings. It’s available as a fixture, which provides more flexibility (e.g., parametrization)

Running speed vs. test isolation

We fixed the global state on the Python level, but the database itself is a shared resource. It should be in the same state before each test run.

There are a couple of ways of doing this:

  • Creating a DB for each test case (slow/isolated)
  • Recreate all DB-level entities for each test case (faster / less isolated)
  • Wrap each test case in a transaction and roll it back at the end of a test case (fastest, even less isolated)

Each approach has its pros and cons, but the main trade-off is speed vs. test isolation. To be entirely sure that each test case is isolated, you can create a new database for each case, but it will be very slow. You can recreate all the tables for each test case, it will be faster, but you’ll have to take care of re-creating all DB-level features you need for the tests — views/triggers/etc.. Usually, it’s pretty easy to do with migrations. Or, you could create a transaction for each test case and roll it all back at the end — super fast, but what if you need to test some logic, that involves transaction manipulations? For example, Django has TransactionTestCase and TestCase for dealing with different situations. TransactionTestCase truncates all tables and TestCase rolls back a transaction.

Dependency injection

There is another technique that was used in the previous examples but wasn’t mentioned explicitly. Dependency injection.

Dependency injection is a software design pattern which allows you to isolate some logic in a separate entity and pass it into another one as a dependency. Like so:

Now, you can pass any engine you want to the airplane and test its logic with different engines, or mock your engine to see if it’s too heavy for an ordinary test. Applying this approach allows you to decouple the execution of a task from its implementation.

For example, you could isolate some hard-to-test logic (e.g., a 3rd party service or some heavy computations) in this “dependency” and pass a mock object in tests instead of the real one.

Flask allows you to write isolated extensions with ease, in pytest you can reuse and parametrize fixtures in tests.

Data & logic separation

When you’re writing tests, usually you use some values as an input for your testing logic, and you expect some other values to be an output of this logic:

But when you hardcode them inside the testing code, it makes it less extendable. If you keep test data separate from the test logic, it will make modifications much more manageable. Dependency injection’s back in the game!

It is especially helpful if you have an extensive test suite — it can help you see similarities in your tests and refactor them or build some reusable tools, that might help you in the future.

More factories

But what if the object you’re testing is more complicated than a string? SQLAlchemy model for example. You could create them manually in a separate fixture, or you could use something like factory-boy.

Usage is straightforward:

Factory boy is very well integrated with py.test the with absolutely gorgeous pytest-factoryboy. Just register your factories and make sure that they’re imported in your test suite (in the root conftest.py, for example):

and now you magically have user and user_factory fixtures.

The user fixture corresponds to a simple factory call without arguments. pytest-factoryboy provides a lot of different features that are worth checking out.

Why you should try TDD

Just a brief recap, what TDD is:

  1. Write a failing test
  2. Add/modify the code so that the test passes
  3. Refactor the test & code


It just saves time and consequently money

For example, you’re building a new API with Flask, and you want to add a user’s listing in the beginning:

This test will fail, and this is fine.

But you’ll know why — there is no such route in your app. Add it with a minimal stub handler and your test will pass. Ok, but we actually need users in the response:

Then update your handler with the code that will query users, and the test will pass. After that, you do the next feature in the same way, and then another one, and so on. In the end, you’ll have each feature tested.

Then, for example, you’ll add a new field to the user — age. You’ll write a test for it, and it will pass. But if your listing will not restrict the output fields the listing test will fail after adding the age field — you broke the interface, but luckily you’ll know about it as soon as you run your tests. Fix it any way you want and go to the next feature.

Rapid and iterative development process is a beautiful feature of TDD. You’ll see problems very fast just by running a test suite. With pytest you don’t even have to re-run it — you could use looponfailing mode from the pytest-xdist plugin:

pytest -f tests

Also, you’ll trust your test suite, and if something fails in production, you’ll add a regression test. It makes your more confident about your code when you’re doing refactoring or adding a new feature. You’ll know that the new feature won’t break other features and it’s safe to add.

It could help you with building something big — split that big thing into small, functional pieces, write tests and make them pass.

But it’s not a silver bullet. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have to write other types of tests or won’t have to use different approaches. Sometimes it’s just more straightforward to do something in a way you’re with. However, consider adding TDD to your arsenal, it’s worth trying to improve your development experience.

Testing shows the presence, not the absence of bugs.

- Edsger W. Dijkstra


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