Before #metoo, this is what sexual harassment looked like in 1990

KSD (aka Karen Schulman Dupuis)
1 min readApr 8, 2016
I just found this tucked away in my taxes from 1990. Yes, I keep everything.

I was barely 20 years old, and working for the largest ad agency in the world (at the time). He was older than my father.

I gave a month’s notice at work after taking a sick day to gather myself from the shock.

They asked me to write down everything he’d said to me.

Then they gave me 15 days pay, and rushed me out the door.

This is why I call out misogyny and rape culture in its place.

…does it look that much different today? Not much.



KSD (aka Karen Schulman Dupuis)

Business Designer. Connector. Shift Disturber. Intrapreneur. Speaker. Teacher. Elephant Hunter. Polymath. @karensd