How to start developing for your start up

Aravind Balla
Code Lore


I wanted to share the journey of making products for start ups. We planned on an Android app for our start up recently. So I thought it would be great to share the process of making it. We are a team of two developers. We know the basics of Android. Remember, just the basics.

We just know the basics of the technology we are using.

The app which we are planning to build has great features which we don’t even know how. So this will take more time as we have to learn and build.

For this thing, I assume you know the basics of the language you are developing in and also you know what to develop. Firstly plan out your requirements on what you want to achieve with your application, which is an Android app in our case. Write them down some where. Discuss with your team on what your app should do.

We share a Trello Board where we make all our plans. We have a board for this app and we have the list of the features, common errors we encountered and so on.

We write down all the things that are required for developing.

When we are in a team and when we are working on projects like this, its always advisable to use things like GitHub for VCS and better collaboration. You cannot always mail the project code each other.

Our first steps were planning out, researching, having a look on various apps for the design and UI. All of these observations were recorded in Trello. When we start developing things, it will be very useful. We drew the screens of our application indicating what should go where and planned out on the features.

Now that every thing is set, we decided to implement and start developing. We thought of doing in it sessions which we named as code sprints. They generally last around 12 hours for us. This can be varied as the dev-team wishes them to be.

We spend all the time in the code sprints developing, coding and test. The end goal of the code sprint is decided well in advance and we gather all the resources helpful for that. The feel after the code sprint is finished is dopamine rich.

So, the code-sprints are just awesome for getting work done.

Why we believed this will work is, we participated in Hack-a-thons which were competitions, lasted about 12 hours or 8 hours or so. We once decided the idea which we were about to work in the morning, and were able to come up with the prototype by the end of the Hackathon. We believed this is something which is happening.

There is ultimate focus and we force ourself to push harder throughout the period. That puts us in a great environment. We think about only the thing which we to be delivered and keep our complete focus on it. Any job which is done with your 100% energy, 100% focus yields a great result. This gets a lot of work done.

Whether you(developers) are meeting at a place or you are meeting virtually, these code sprints are possible.

Its great that you have made this far reading this post. I feel excited finishing this up. I want your response on how can this be made better or may be implemented in a better way. How do you do it?

As always,

Do Awesome.
Be Awesome.

This article is a part of challenge I took to post one every alternate day! Keep visiting for more.

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Aravind Balla
Code Lore

A geek trying to move mountains! Loves JS and frameworks on it. When not developing, he likes to travel and explore. Now writes at