Introducing: Code Mtaani

Urandu Bildad Namawa
Code Mtaani
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2020
code mtaani

As this decade begins, I challenged myself to make a difference in the society that I live in. Not in the biggest way, but in the smallest way possible. I come from a background of academic excellence that enabled me to pursue computer science and computational intelligence in college. Over the years, I have gained various skills ranging from software engineering, Devops, information security and machine learning. The difference that I want to make is share whatever learnings I have gathered with the community in which I come from.

What is code mtaani?

Code mtaani is a mentorship/training programme that I’m launching in which we will train primary school pupils, high school students and youths who have no background in IT to have various skills within the IT space. The skills will range from basic IT skills to advanced level skills that will enable these groups of people to make a difference in their lives and others around them.


Code mtaani will be structured into three different tracks:

Primary school

In this track, we shall teach primary school children on basic IT skills that include:

  • Software installation and updates
  • Basic OS troubleshooting
  • Basic networking
  • Basic web applications

The purpose of this track is to enable these youngsters to have the skills to manage and troubleshoot the IT infrastructure by their schools. They will also assist in training other pupils within their schools.

Secondary school

This track will focus on high school students and will aim at giving these youngsters the following skills:

  • Computer architecture
  • Web Development(full stack)
  • Systems Development
  • Information security

The purpose of this track is to ensure that the students picked are able to create full products from design to implementation and deployment by the time they leave high school. This will give them an opportunity to create solutions to problems facing their immediate communities and would set them up for success at an early age.


This track will involve youths from the mtaa, who just need a helping hand in switching careers but do not know how or where to begin. This track will be an 8 month long programme that will involve weekly mentorship sessions. The skills that will be focused on within this period include:

  • computer architecture
  • operating systems(linux)
  • information security
  • Backend development
  • Frontend development
  • Basic Devops
  • Systems development
  • Individual branding and building an online portfolio.

To begin code mtaani initiative, we shall begin with one individual in this track(Derrick Mola) with whom we shall document the entire journey on how he will become skilled with programming knowledge and skills while at the same time building his online brand and portfolio.

This track aims to give out individuals who will be competent to handle client projects meticulously and professionally.

At the moment, most things are a work in progress in terms of logistics, but we shall figure them out along the way. In every track we aim to provide the IT infrastructure needed, this means that we shall definitely need assistance from anyone willing to donate IT artefacts (computers/monitors/laptops/subscriptions)to this initiative.

Code mtaani does not seek to re-create content that is already available, instead, we shall use all the freely available tutorials to come up with our curriculum, all that we will provide is guidance on which material to use and where to find it.

I hope for an adventure and a learning experience as I try and be of service to my community.



Urandu Bildad Namawa
Code Mtaani

A passionate software engineer with deep interest in machine learning and scalable software architectures.