What is Data as a Platform (DaaP)?

Code on Data
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2014


Data as a platform (DaaP) is a relatively new concept in the cloud computing paradigm where data itself — rather than applications — is the commodity being sold. Some analysts say that no longer will we simply view the cloud through applications, but that the concept has evolved to a point at which processing speeds, and quantity and distribution of data are key to a competitive business.

Platforms are core technologies that developers may use to create programs using APIs.

Product ecosystems become more valuable when they are associated with a platform. Core data can become a platform when there is enough of it that it is actually of relevance to many people, and applications and services begin to be developed around that data core.

Instead of products and technology as a commodity, data itself therefore becomes the commodity.

Data as a platform requires connecting vast quantities of unique and valuable data and then providing them to partners and third-party systems in order to attract critical business.

Once data accumulates enough mass, all other things like applications and services will gradually be attracted to it and will then be developed and marketed around it. This is called data gravity. This is another side of cloud computing that has bee gaining ground, but data as the basis for business and enterprise is totally new. Usually, data is only considered a part of the system rather than the core of it. For example, information is now being traded regarding different trends and statistics of customer purchasing habits. Correlated with similar data from other retail establishments, seasonal data, and other trending statistics, this allows a better view of the market and will inevitably lead to a better and more informed decision.

Originally published at www.techopedia.com.

