Android emulator: Q preview

Carlos Mota
Code, Procedure and Rants
4 min readApr 5, 2019


Copyright @ The Next Web

A new preview of Android Q has been released!

And with another major release, there are usually changes that you’ll need to make on your application in order to get it ready for the new devices that are going to support it. Google already has this information available and now with the new emulator, you can start planning your changes:

It’s worth to mention that probably the biggest changes to be made seem to be related to:

  • Privacy (scoped storage, launch of activities from the background 🙌)
  • Behaviour (restriction on non-SDK interfaces, support for foldables)

And you read it right — foldables! For the past months we’ve been hearing a lot of buzz around these new phones and it’s finally time to try one — even if it’s on the emulator.



Carlos Mota
Code, Procedure and Rants

👨‍💻, 🔭🌖, 🗺, 📸, 🏃‍💨, 🇵🇹, 🖖 - is this how I should use emojis? Also: