Android: Picture-in-picture

Carlos Mota
Code, Procedure and Rants
10 min readNov 5, 2018


Copyright @ 9to5Google


I believe most of us can identify with one of these scenarios:

  • You’re happily watching a video on Netflix when, out of nowhere, you receive a notification from one of the dozens messaging apps you ‘re currently in. It’s a friend of yours that shared a link from something he’d found interesting. You’ve seen that, but you have no clue on what’s that link — and you get curious… and then you decide to click on the notification, to open the application so you can (finally) click on the link.

What happens?
Your video stops, you move to a completely different application just to see it, reply and get back. How much time did we spend on this? And why?

  • Or you’re travelling to some place with the help of your Maps application and receive a call on your car’s Bluetooth system and answer it. Now, out of nowhere, there’s no information on when is the next turn, both audio streams get mixed, so you need to stop the car, grab your device and go to recents, swipe right and open your application again.
  • Or you might even be listening to a song on YouTube and decide to open the browser to search for the lyrics to sing along and suddenly the music stops.

Finally, Android released on Oreo (8.0) a solution to solve all these points (and more). We now* have…



Carlos Mota
Code, Procedure and Rants

👨‍💻, 🔭🌖, 🗺, 📸, 🏃‍💨, 🇵🇹, 🖖 - is this how I should use emojis? Also: