Nonstandard Book of “C++ Standard”

Must-read for a C++ Programmer

Academy Writer
Picsart Academy
2 min readMay 23, 2022


C++ Standard is considered to be one of the hardest books, but there is something very important inside the book for C++ programmers.
Well, clearly not how to learn C++ or how to use it, because it is not intended to do that.

The standard is C++ itself: everything that exists in C++ is documented within the standard.

The standardization of C++ started in 1989 by the International Organization for Standardization. Since starting their work they shared with the world 5 official standards:

1. "C++98"
2. "C++03"
3. "C++11"
4. "C++17"
5. "C++20"

The interesting thing about the Standards is that they can’t be bought on Amazon or any other website other than the official website of ISO.
But even with that possibility, very few people buy it for reasons like the costliness of the book, availability of only English versions of the books, and the mental and logical pain you have to go through reading it, because of the fact that they are very hard to read and understand, so hard that even one of the frequently asked questions on ISO’s website is “Why is the standard hard to read? I’m having trouble learning C++ from reading it”.

Besides if you want to risk it all anyway and buy the book no matter what, be prepared that you are not getting a book with a beautiful cover and paper pages, but just a pdf version of what could be your “Holy Book” in your library.
Now you probably think that you’re never going to own the book, though you would love to have it in your collection, even if you are not going to read it, I am happy to assure you that the pdf version of the book is not that hard to find on pirate websites for books.

So if you are still reading we would suggest going and finding the book online and starting to tempt your brain cells to do their best to understand it, because it is definitely worth the time and effort.

Being the academy that encourages both reading and hard work, we’re happy to inform you that our students have the opportunity to get the latest standard in their hands in the library, and we’ll be twice happy to see the book getting worn out over time from too much reading.

