Rails Cheat Sheet

Jiří Procházka
Code Rocket
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2017

I came from a Windows clicking-UI world and when I started with Ruby on Rails I felt lost with all those commands. Who the hell is still using a command line TODAY?!

It took me a half year to get familiar with command line and nowadays programming on Linux or Mac OS X, both I’m using multiple desktops (workplaces) and I’m using mouse hardly ever.

But still it was a lot of commands to remember and yet today I’m not sure about every single command. So I decided to create a Rails Cheat Sheet.com where I put the Rails stuff I know I’ll be unsure about in future again.
It started with commands first, but today I’m inserting all kind of various stuff related to Rails.

I also decided to approach it as my contribute to the community, so the data source is a simple JSON file and the whole project is based on GitHub, so anyone can pull a request with it’s own small piece.

If you think this cheat sheet could be helpful for someone, click below. Thanks

