Code Like Her Fellowship II — Weekly #8

Dipika Suwal
Code Rush Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2022

by Dipika Suwal

As an undergraduate student, I was never satisfied with the academic course where there is lack of practical knowledge. Without practical knowledge, I knew that I could not improve my programming knowledge and skills. So, I tried learning from online but it was quite stressful for me to grasp the contents.

That’s why I was looking for a platform and mentors to guide me. One of my friends mentioned me about code rush organizing code like her fellowship. I did some research on course content. I found what I was looking for so I immediately filled the application form. To be honest I was quiet confused whether I was doing right or not while joining this fellowship but now I have to tell that it was one of my best decisions to be part of this fellowship. And yes, I was selected as one of the 15 fellows among more than 70 applicants. I am learning programming skills as well as I am also developing presentation skills as we have to present our assignments to our mentors.

Till now, we have completed entire syllabus of UI/UX and JavaScript. We have done a lot of projects related to these topics. In eighth week, we have some holidays to prepare for our exam/interview for JavaScript. We gave our exam as our mentor arrange our schedule. Since I was quite upset with my UI/UX exam so I need to give my best for this JavaScript exam. I was well prepared for this exam and my exam went so well. I was quite happy with my performance.

After completion of JavaScript course, we started our next course of Node.js. At the first day of this class, we learned about the concept backend, frontend, server, API development, database, etc. We learned about npm and yarn which is the package manager for Node JavaScript. We have discussed about Express which is used for API Development.

For next day we started to learn about the server. Server has four types i.e. File Server, HTTP Server, Database Server and Application Server. The http.createServer() method includes request object that can be used to get information about the current HTTP request.

We have also learned about the file server using NodeJs. File Server is simple http file server that supports files and directories. In fs.readFile() method, we can read a file in a non-blocking asynchronous way, but in fs.readFileSync() method, we can read files in a synchronous way, i.e. we are telling node.js to block other parallel process and do the current file reading process. This way our week 8 ends.

Lastly, I would like to thank to Astha Sharma didi as well as all our mentors and my other fellows for helping me to learn new things. I am so proud to be the part of this fellowship.

Dipika Suwal is currently studying BIM at Nepal Commerce Campus. Up until now, she has had a keen knowledge of HTML, CSS, and PHP. She is very enthusiastic when it comes to web development. Due to her interest in the tech sector, she likes to grab upcoming opportunities for her improvement.

