Code Like Her Fellowship, week #5

Rachana Kafle
Code Rush Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2020

by Rachana Kafle

I still remember the day when I saw an application for Code rush Fellowship on Facebook. Without further ado, I applied for this fellowship. The mission of the Code rush is to rationalize the technical equity between males and females in Nepal’s IT sector. This caught my attention as I am a believer in the same thing.

Code Like Her Fellowship was not the first opportunity I had experienced. Since my college days, I was always looking for the opportunity to gain practical programming knowledge which I could apply in the real industry. But I was rejected by many companies before I landed up in a few internship opportunities. However, I was not satisfied with my learning experience and I wanted to learn more and explore deeply. Code like her definitely has been a different kind of experience for me.

We started learning JavaScript from the fourth week. In the Fifth week, we started practically implementing all the theories we learned previously. From the Javascript naming convention to OOP concepts in JavaScript, it was overall a fun learning experience.

We got a chance to do different animations using JavaScript. Our first animation task was to generate balls in random positions within a certain frame when we clicked on a generate button. Another assignment was to generate a random number of balls with different shapes, sizes, positions, and colors at the top of the window. Then on each refresh, the ball would fall smoothly in the downward direction, the ball was supposed to disappear when clicked. Lastly, we did form validation assignment where form would show error in case of any wrong entries. With each assignment, our programming skills, time management skills and creativity started improving.

A snippet of our assignment

Here’s the link to the assignment enjoyed the most during the fifth week:


In the middle of the week, we learned about agile. We learned about how software companies implement scrum and also learned the importance of daily scrum, sprint planning, sprint retrospective along their structure. Moreover, We learned how to use Trello and break down tasks into smaller portions and to create the user story.

Before joining the fellowship I didn’t have a visualizing capability. I used to dive into the code immediately and often was confused in the middle with no idea of how I should move further. Now, I have gained the confidence to solve any assignments or tasks. I have also realized that complex tasks can be easily solved by breaking them into smaller portions.

This fellowship has made me prioritize my task and set the time accordingly which has helped me a lot to manage my time efficiently. I am really thankful to mentor for sharing the techniques.

I hope I could continue using my capabilities to learn and implement my learnings in the future as well. I really appreciate Code Rush for believing in me. This fellowship has definitely helped me boost my confidence in the programming journey.

About the author

Rachana Kafle is a technology enthusiast person. She has completed a bachelor’s degree in BSc.CSIT from Tribhuwan University. She loves programming, apart from which she enjoys traveling, nature photography, and writing poems. In her free time, she read self-improvement and biographies books and also love to try new recipes for cooking.

