Code Like Her Weekly #12

Bi Elsa
Code Rush Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2020

by Elisha Bista

I was quite eager to learn a programming language, that’s why I joined undergraduate as BSC CSIT. But I wasn’t satisfied with the academic course as it lacked the practical knowledge necessary for my professional career ahead. Even though I tried learning from the online courses available, I felt quite stiff to learn by myself.

That’s why I was looking for a platform and mentors who would guide me to grow and enhance my knowledge. That’s when my teacher mentioned Code Rush which was organizing a fellowship program as Code Like Her through which they were planning to provide training of full-stack development for 3 months.

Code Like Her continued virtually despite the worldwide pandemic of COVID 19. As we are moving towards the end of the fellowship, this 3months of the journey has made me truly satisfied. It has become a value for students like me who had an interest in becoming full-stack developers.

Details of week 11

Day 1 and Day 2: We started our week by revising the backend course that we learned previously. We learned about integrating Node Js and Express Framework and performed CRUD operation, learned about Postman and data connection, Postgres, migration, and other concepts.

Day 3: We came to know about Heroku which is used to deploy backends. We deployed all the codes that we wrote in the backend. Our facilitator helped us learn about error handling and we were able to debug small issues we encountered together. This was our last class of Node Js.

Day 4: We learned about Quality Assurance(QA) from our new facilitator who was working in a reputed company as a scrum master. We learned about software testing, the importance of software testing, types of software testing like Unit testing, Smoke Testing, Regression testing. Software Testing Life Cycle was also introduced at the end of the class.

Class on Quality Assurance

Day 5: As we became familiar with the terms and keywords used in QA, we learned about Test Plan, Test Strategy, and Test-Case Parameters. We even applied our knowledge on deriving the test cases to the react project we had completed. We made our own user stories, scenario, and acceptance testing that helped us figure out the probability of success and failure of the task.

Day 6: We learned about Automation and got the demo of how automation works, what are the criteria for Automation, AAA (Arrange, Act, Assert) principle was also introduced here. We used Selenium, an open-source web automation tool to visualize the results. This was the last day of our Code Like Her Fellowship.

I am grateful to our facilitator who had supported us throughout the journey and replied and solved our query 24*7. They shared their experience, insights, and enthusiasm with us throughout. I feel blessed to get continuous guidance which has helped us progress gradually not only in programming but in communication, interview facing, presentation skills, communication skills, and teamwork. I have learned to work joyfully. I hope this type, of course, to be launched from time to time for students to learn to program and minimize the gap between academia and industry.

About the Author

Elisha Bista is currently studying at Texas International college. She has a Friendly nature and makes friends quickly. She is a problem solver and an entertainer. She loves reading books. She aspires to become a developer in the future.

