Code Like Her II Fellowship- Weekly #7

Kriti Prajapati
Code Rush Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2022

by Kriti Prajapati

From an early age, I knew I would find myself in the tech industry due to my interest in computers since my school days. For my bachelor’s, I decided to join Computer Engineering. As I got introduced to the vast field of IT, I got clueless regarding which sector to choose. To find where my true passion lies, I have been exploring different sectors. I stumbled upon the term “FullStack Developer ‘’, upon googling what it meant, I got more interested in it. I had been learning on my own, joining Bootcamps, training, and trying to be a part of good opportunities I could find.

One fine evening, I got an email from the Code Rush newsletter about the Call for applicants for Code Like Her Fellowship — II. Code Like Her is a coding Bootcamp organized by Code Rush, it is for young women who aspire to become a full stack JS developer. The mail resonated with my goal of becoming a full-stack developer. I had a few insecurities about not being good enough to be selected as there were only 15 positions to be filled. I kept my insecurities aside and applied for the fellowship, remembering a quote one of my friends had shared with me, “You miss 100% of the shot you don’t take”. I am glad I applied. After the written exam and video interview, I was delighted to get the selection mail.

My Code Like Her fellowship experience has been a blast, learning new concepts and ways of doing things with JavaScript was fun, sometimes confusing… but fun. By the end of Week 6, we had completed the fundamentals of JavaScript and dipped our toes in using JavaScript to build a web application. In Week 7, we were given the assignment to create an Expense tracker, a simple web application project that keeps track of income and expenses. It was a fun assignment, seeing the desired outcome popping up on the screen and knowing I made it happen always excites me. Doing the expense tracker assignment, I learned how to break down big problems into smaller problems and fix them and also that there are multiple ways to solve the same problem. And to be a better developer, we need to look at solutions and be able to figure out the thought process of the solutions, and pick the best one.

Demo Here

Expense Tracker

After the Expense tracker assignment, we were taught about OOP concepts in JavaScript. The final assignment for the js session was the Infinite scroll blog. In this assignment, we got to implement classes and setTimeout/ setInterval functions, which made us more familiar with these concepts. Completing these assignments was very rewarding, the boost of confidence you get after successfully completing a project is empowering.

Demo Here

Infinite Scroll Blog

The next concept we were taught was “Promise”. It was a bit hard to grasp, but our mentor Sagun Karanjit dai gave an excellent presentation with simple examples, diagrams, and practical examples to make us understand JavaScript Promises, event loop, call stack, job queue, and how they work. The calm, understanding, and professional way of dealing with problems are a few of the qualities Sagun dai possesses that have inspired us throughout our JavaScript session.

Showcase of my learning in Code like Her Fellowship : Full Demo Here

Week 7 was the last week of our JavaScript session. In these past weeks, we got to learn so much about JavaScript, it was overwhelming at times but with guidance and support from Sagun dai, the Code Rush team, and my other fellows, it got a bit easier. At the end of this week, we had a Js practice Interview. We also had revision classes, which refreshed our understanding of JavaScript. CodeRush programs not only provide us with technical skills but also with soft skills and experiences required in the real world. Sadly, I have a hard time giving interviews, I find it nerve-racking. I am trying to get better at it, but it still scares me. The interview went fairly well, we were familiarized with interview patterns, questions, and guidance on how to give interviews.

Lastly, I really appreciate mentors, Astha Sharma didi and the whole Code Rush team for believing in me. Code Like her fellowship has helped me boost my confidence and has become a stepping stone towards my goal.

About the Author:

Kriti Prajapati is an aspiring developer and a computer engineering student at Khwopa Engineering College. She is a tech enthusiast who likes to explore technology. She enjoys travelling and listening to music. She aspires to build applications to solve real world problems.

