The perfect programming language

There’s no such thing, but we still chase it every day; and actually, it’s fine!

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Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I know. We need to write code for people, rather than (only) for machines. And mostly, I agree.

But still, ever since I was very young and have first heard about computers and software development, I continue to chase technology perfection every day: I really want a programming language that would allow me to tell computers what I want from them to do in a perfect way. And then, I just assume it’s going to be a cool side effect, humans could read that code with ease as well.

Wherever we would be, either in a coffee shop patio, at home, or at the office, we could then easily convert our thoughts into code that runs well on the first attempt, I guess. Is this too much to ask?

Apparently, it is too much: as we are reminded in our every day events, perfection doesn’t seem to exist. I cannot even properly define it. Either around programming languages or around anything else — and probably, I’m not at all alone.

Yes, I can accept (and artificially define) things as perfect for me, but soon these thoughts would need to be adjusted; things do evolve, and people change, including me.



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Software Developer • Rust, Swift, WPF, Web • MacBook enthusiast • fashion design • EDM • absurdism • writing from Cluj