A glimpse into the next Motoko Bootcamp

Code & State
Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2023

Welcome to students, graduates, builders and everyone else👋

The next Motoko Bootcamp kickstarts on the 20th of November — in just 7 days. To join us simply register for the Kick-Off Ceremony 👉 Click Here

Starting your DAO should be easy 😎

Here is a quick breakdown of everything you can expect.

Build your DAO in 7 days 🧑‍💻

You’ve heard about DAOs, you think that’s the future, and you want to get involved but you don’t know where to start.

We have the solution. It’s a new course called “DAO-Adventure”.

This self-paced course is structured into five distinct modules, each dedicated to a unique project. As you progress through these modules, you’ll engage in hands-on activities, culminating in the creation of your own DAO. For each project, we provide an array of supporting materials, including instructional videos, detailed tutorials, and comprehensive documentation.

By joining the next Bootcamp you’ll get exclusive access to the DAO Adventure course.

Mentorship sessions 🧙‍♀️

You’re stuck after hours of debugging and have no idea what’s wrong with your code. This is frustrating. We get that.

Every day, we offer a mentorship session that you are welcome to join. These sessions are designed to help you resolve any challenges you encounter. And if you don’t have any issues but just want to chat about Web3 — we’ll also be there. All topics and types of issues covered!

Meet top builders from the Web3 industry 🤩

“What is happening in Web3? What kinds of projects are people building?”. You want concrete answers and demos. We get that.

That’s why every day you can expect sessions from top builders on a wide range of topics. From Decentralized Artificial Intelligence to entrepreneurship in Web3 and games, there will be sessions for everyone and every interest.

Here is a quick preview of what you can expect (there is more 😎)

How To Land a Job?
What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur in Web3?
How To Fund Your Project?

Collaborative coding & brainstorming session 🧠

At Motoko Bootcamp we believe in the intelligence and power of the collective. That’s why you’ll get to join a team and practice in collaborative sessions.

During those sessions we will ask ourself important and deep questions on how we can make the best use of Web3 and the Internet Computer to solve real issues and positively impact our future.

Guided meditation 🧘

At Motoko Bootcamp, we also believe that spirituality is a key pillar for entrepreneurs and Web3 builders. That’s why you’ll also be invited to join guided meditative sessions. That’s also a good way to rest and relax at the end of each intense day.

And more… 🤫

There is way more to the full Motoko Bootcamp experience. But I can’t talk about it here…

How can you join Motoko Bootcamp?

Join us on Monday!

Begin by attending the Kick-Off Ceremony.

During this event, we will provide comprehensive information and guide you to all the essential resources you need to benefit from the experience.

👉 Register for the Kick-Off Ceremony.

We are flying to Madrid 🇪🇸

One last thing!

We will be hosting a physical event during the week in Madrid. Everyone is welcome to join us. It’s also totally free. If you’re interested, join our dedicated Telegram group and drop a message.

Additional Information

See you very soon,

Education Lead | Code & State

