Motoko Bootcamp: Updates For Students (1/3)

Code & State
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2023

This article is the 1st in a series of 3 updates planned to be released before the Bootcamp starts.

Hello dear students and happy new year 🎉

We are excited to have you join us for the upcoming Motoko Bootcamp and start your year in the most positive way by investing in your personal and professional development!

In order to make the most out of this experience — let me share a few updates & next steps:

  1. First, join the official Discord server for Motoko Bootcamp. This will be the primary platform for communication and collaboration during the Bootcamp. We will also share information, tutorials & resources in the weeks to come for our community.
  2. Check the 🎓enrollment channel. It is essential that you understand the difference between participating in the Bootcamp as Registered or Enrolled. If you want to get enrolled stay tuned because we will send instructions in the next few days!
  3. Read about the 🏁prerequesites. This is a compilation of the topics you should be familiar with before entering the Bootcamp. You’ll also find a few links to resources to get you up to speed.
  4. Introduce yourself in the 👦introduction channel and share a few things about yourself: Where are you are living? How have you learned about the Internet Computer? What are your goals & expectations regarding this week?
Consider doing like Isaac and post your intro 👋

That’s it for today. See you soon and until then…

Let’s f∞cking build!

