TalentDB: The #1 source of talent & job opportunities within the ICP ecosystem!

Isaac Valadez
Code & State
Published in
5 min readJul 27, 2023


  • TalentDB is the 1st ICP-focused talent agency and it is a venture by Code & State.
  • High talent in-flow: 116 new devs joined the TalentDB candidate pool in May alone!
  • Ben Papernick has over 15 years of technical recruiting experience. Follow @MrBennyP on Twitter, and send him a DM if you’d like to connect!
  • To join our talent pool and get matched great opportunities, fill out this form.
  • To find the right candidate for your project, send Ben a DM or fill out this form!
  • Follow @TalentDB_ICP on Twitter to be notified of when the “Get Hired on the IC” Workshop opens for registrations!

Why TalentDB?

The Internet Computer Protocol is an incredible new technology, but as with any new technology it can be nearly impossible for projects to find developers who are able to build on it. Code & State (an ICP venture studio) has solved this problem with a collaboration between two ventures:

  • Motoko Bootcamp: A free online coding bootcamp that has already taught thousands of students how to build web3 dapps on the Internet Computer.
  • TalentDB: The first professional talent agency focused on the unique needs of ICP projects and candidates.

The numbers coming out of the most recent Motoko Bootcamp (May 8–14th) show how this partnership works:

  • >3k students signed up to follow along
  • 344 students enrolled to learn IC development full time
  • 192 devs graduated the program
  • 116 devs joined the TalentDB candidate pool to find work within the ICP ecosystem!

TalentDB offers ICP projects access to the talent they desperately need, and when a role is filled we collect a competitively priced recruitment fee. The revenue from these recruiting fees keeps both TalentDB and Motoko Bootcamp running and available as resources for onboarding new developers into the ICP ecosystem.

The end result is that anyone is able to learn how to build on the IC and then get matched with their web3 dream job, and the entire process is 100% free!

For ICP projects, paying a reasonable recruitment fee for quick access to top-tier talent is much more cost effective and efficient compared to spending months trying to find a candidate with IC experience or training a developer who has no ICP knowledge. Since a project only pays if the role is filled through TalentDB, there’s no upfront cost or risk to get started!

Hi, I’m Ben Papernick!

On March 6th 2023 I joined Code & State to lead the TalentDB recruitment efforts, bringing my insights from over 15 years of experience in the technical recruitment industry. I’ve been deeply interested in web3 technology and a closet crypto degen for years. As soon as Code & State approached me and pitched the IC, I was absolutely blown away by both the technology of the ICP network and the caliber of the Code & State team! I immediately knew this is where I wanted to be, and it’s truly an honor to help others find their web3 dream job within the ICP ecosystem!

Being so new to the ICP ecosystem, I can tell you first hand that I’ve been welcomed with open arms and there’s something special about this community. Check out this tweet thread about my takeaways from joining this ecosystem, follow me (@MrBennyP) on Twitter, and send me a DM if you’d like to connect!

Early TalentDB Success Stories

TRAX (@onlyontrax)

“Excited to be adding to our developer team, with a great new hire through TalentDB. It was great to meet the guys from @codeandstate and TalentDB at #ICPCC23 and if your project is looking for developers then look no further than the team at TalentDB.”

— Tom Stuart (Founder)

Modclub (@ModclubApp)

“​​Working with TalentDB has been a game-changer for our hiring process. In a short span of time, their proactive team has helped us hire three incredible candidates, expertly matching our specific needs. TalentDB’s seamless and organized pre-screening process, with Ben conducting thorough interviews and providing both recordings and transcriptions, has made our decision-making process quicker and more efficient, allowing us to choose the best talent for our team.”

Raheel Govindji (Founder)

StakedICP (@StakedICP)

“Ben has been extremely helpful in our headhunt for the perfect Head of Marketing candidate, going above-and-beyond. The quality of the people he found made it almost impossible to decide. I was truly spoiled-for-choice. Recruiting is your chance to make a good first impression on candidates, and Ben’s interactions set an outstanding bar for professionalism and charisma. 10/10. I’ll definitely be using TalentDB again for my next role”

Paul Bellamy (Founder)

Open Roles

Check out a sample of roles we’re actively looking to fill for some of our current partners:

Hot or Not (@hotornot_dapp)

  • Rust Developer
  • Svelte Developer
  • Mobile Developer

Canistore (@canistore)

  • Lead Engineer (100% equity)

Funded (@funded_app)

  • Cryptographer

Itoka (@ItokaMusic)

  • Motoko Developer

To join our talent pool and get matched great opportunities, fill out this form!

Top Candidates

To get full access to our talent pool, projects will need to get in touch. In the meantime, we can tease the anonymous profiles of 2 exciting candidates we expect to find full time roles for soon within the ICP ecosystem:

Candidate #1

Location: Australia | Experience: 8 years

  • Experienced senior platform engineer with a proven track record in public cloud, automation, CI/CD, Linux and Kubernetes.
  • Has 18 impressive certifications (including a Motoko Bootcamp diploma)
  • Held senior level roles at some very notable companies, such as GitHub!

Candidate Profile #2:

Location: Venezuela | Experience: 4 years

  • 2 years of Web3 experience as a Solidity dev, and is currently employed as a Principal Solidity Engineer.
  • Strong frontend and mobile experience
  • Has a degree in computational physics, and is fluent in both English and Spanish

To find the right candidate for your project, send Ben a DM or fill out this form!

“Get Hired on the IC” Workshop

During the past few moths Ben has had calls with over 90 candidates joining our talent pool, and it’s clear that job seekers within the ICP community could use some extra help!

Within the next few weeks, Ben will be hosting a free workshop alongside top ICP founders who are actively hiring! Together they’ll answer all of your urgent questions about finding a job within web3 while welcoming an open dialogue on these topics:

  • Resume & LinkedIn Review
  • GitHub Review (what makes a great account)
  • How to prepare for an interview

Follow @TalentDB_ICP on Twitter to stay in the loop and get notified when this workshop opens for registrations!



Isaac Valadez
Code & State

Isaac is an entrepreneur, blockchain dev, & mechanical engineer from Texas. He co-founded dSquad, organized Motoko Bootcamp, & has traded crypto since 2017.