How does the rise of APIs boost no-code adoption in the world?

Maxime Topolov
Published in
6 min readApr 7, 2022


Why do we see a rise in the API-first world?

What is an API and how does it work?

Teams can work in parallel

Adopting an API-first approach simplifies the work of multiple teams on the same product in parallel. Creating a consistent UI experience requires strong alignment between product owners, UX designers, and front-end and back-end teams. But going API-first changes the way your project will be organized.

You start by defining an API schema, the blueprint of your app. From here, you can assign different teams working on different end-points and services, other teams can independently work on front-end apps that will consume your APIs.

Organizations operating in product-mode use durable, ideate-build-run teams working on a persistent business issue to continuously deliver value to customers. Over time, through the process of removing waste in their value stream, these organizations structure themselves in a way that decreases the need for coordination across multiple teams often resulting in a microservices systems architecture.

You don’t need to deploy all features together, no more night-long builds, and never-ending quality assurance sessions after each sprint. APIs schemas play the role of self-alignment for multiple teams without having the need for heavy agile frameworks like SAFE.



Maxime Topolov

Entrepreneur. CEO of I write about tech, dev and projects management.