A Brief Note About Orion Constellation:

Aryan Panchal
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2020


The constellation looks somewhat like this. Now before we dwell on it, let us keep this one thing in mind:

  • constellations aren’t real. They are just mere interpretations of humans. They do not hold any significant value but are widely used in astrology.

Alright, now that we have considered the obvious thing, we’ll now try to understand why Orion Constellation is so much in talks.

As you can see in the above picture, the constellation consists of 12 distinct stars millions of light-years away from each other.

The figure looks somewhat like a hunter. The three stars right at the middle form the belt of the hunter, and the three vertical stars form the sword of the hunter.

People in ancient times could only think of the obvious thing which would come to their mind when looking at various drawings up in the sky.

Now that’s just a general thing. The main aspect which draws attention is that this hunter of ours, this Orion constellation is incomplete. There’s not just a hunter. No, the hunter is followed by a dog!. That dog may not show itself quite distinctively, but it’s present. It looks like the dog is chasing the hunter.

If you wish to see the orion constellation, as per kolkata time, from 8:30–9:00pm you can see little to the East.

Fact: One of the stars in the 'sword' has a nebula. Cassius's cloud surrounds it.

That’s it for now. I think you’ve now understood why the Orion constellation is so much in talks.

This is Aryan Panchal signing off!

Stay scientific, stay protected.

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Aryan Panchal

A tech enthusiast. Passionate about reading and writing on tech and coding. :)