From Israel to Berlin, at CODE

CODE University of Applied Sciences
2 min readDec 20, 2019

We like to remember how our students find their way to CODE. Leng and Daniel are studying Product Management, while Altug is studying Software Engineering. Three years ago, the trio was attending the same boarding school in Israel, not knowing where this might take them. After finishing boarding school, they decided to apply to CODE, and they did it together. This is their journey.

Hi! My name is Leng (Cambodian), a #nextgen student studying Product Management at CODE University of Applied Sciences. On my right, my high school and now university friends; Altug (Turkish), a #thirdparty software engineer, and Daniel (Ukranian), a #thirdparty product manager.

Three years ago, we were attending the same boarding school in Israel, the Eastern Mediterranean International School (EMIS). The time spent in such an international and diverse environment affected us more than we could have ever expected. After all, we were studying with more than 46 nations, and that was something we could never let go of. Four months before our final international baccalaureate exam, it was time for us to make the decision — what do we want to do in the future?

We started searching for universities all around the world; Asia, Europe, and North America. We were searching for universities that would not only suit our interests affiliations but also provide us with the experience we wanted to continue obtaining. Altug was the first one who found CODE: a unique project-based concept, with students from all around the world. We didn’t blink twice and applied that very same day. Within the next two weeks, our applications were completed, we tackled the given challenge, and nailed it to our assessment day back in June of 2018.

The assessment day was a two ways process where we got to know CODE and CODE had the opportunity to get to know us better. Along with eight other applicants, we completed two series of challenges together and were evaluated on our inputs, teamwork, and performance.

On that very last night, the CODE admission team got back to us with the results. With every faith in mind, we opened the emails together and shared the exciting news. Daniel and I got accepted but, unfortunately, not Altug. Despite it all, Altug learned from his failure and reapplied again in early 2019 and got accepted. Now here we are, sitting and working alongside one another like that very first day when we met in 2016.

Chung-Leng EA is a Product Management student at CODE.

