Code with Veni Newsletter #10

Veni Kunche
Code with Veni
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2017
A monthly dose of inspirational stories about women in tech and resources on coding
Each issue will include stories about women in tech who are doing amazing and inspiring work. It will also include tips, advice and resources on coding for those who are just getting started. Photo by #WOCinTech Chat.

Get Inspired: Women in Tech Doing Amazing Things 🎉

From Custodian to Software Engineer: Mia’s Amazing Story
Mia on her journey on how she became a Software Engineer in her 30s.

Meet Priyanka, a Distinguished Toastmaster and Technology Director
Priyanka shares her story on how she became the Technology Director at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and tips on giving your first talk.

Innov8tiv’s Top 50 Visionary Women in Tech To Watch in 2017
A list of 50 women who have made big moves the previous year and set the stage for even greater accomplishment the preceding year.

Words of Wisdom: Advice from Women in Tech 🙏

“If you’re on a team where the cultural fit is off-balance, either have the courage to try to be a change agent OR the wisdom to know when it’s best to move on.” — Shonna Smith, Entrepreneur and Software Engineer [Read more]

“I urge women technologists to consider leadership roles in product and technology. For those already on this path, be prepared for constant change because it is inherent in everything we do.” — Raji Arasu CTO, StubHub [Read more]

“There are different levels of fluency, but truly being a proficient programmer is only achieved through practice.” — Mickie Betz, Platform Developer at Atlasssian, [Read more]

Your Toolbox: Resources on Coding 📚

If you are new to coding, start with one of these resources:
Codeacademy, Coursera or FreeCodeCamp.

Learn to Code

Use the Zeigarnik Effect to Learn to Code Faster

READMEs: The Welcome Mats of Open Source

The Great Programming Jargon Bake-off

Git from the Inside Out

How to Ask Good Questions

How I Started Programming 8 Months Ago

Learn By Doing

The 10 most Popular Coding Challenge Websites of 2016

LeetCode: Technical Coding Interviews

Front End

Free JavaScript Books

Master the JavaScript Interview: What is a Closure?

Tips and Tools for Getting Started in User Experience Design (aka UX)


Mistakes I Made Writing a Django App (and How I Fixed Them)

Ruby on Rails

Rails Security Essentials

Data Science

Future of AI with the Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer

Career: Preparing for a Job in Tech 📝

Lessons from 3,000 Technical Interviews

Why you Should Ask Questions at Your Next Tech Company Interview

How I Landed a Top-tier Tech Internship by Doing Something I Love

7 Job Hunting Tips For Tech Newbies From The Experts

Food for thought: Interesting reads ☕

How a Chance Encounter with the First Lady Helped me get Over Impostor Syndrome

Tech Diversity: 12 Things Allies Can Do

Shaving my Head Made me a Better Programmer

How ThoughtWorks killed Gender Bias, beat Google and Facebook as a Top Company for Women in Tech

Mentors and Office Hours

List of Engineers Willing to Mentor You by Stephanie Hurlburt

Out Of Office Hours: Creating dialog between newcomers and people working in the tech industry.

Always Be Improving: A collection of interviews, resources and mentors for developers, focusing on women.

Chat with Me: Happy to answer questions on getting started.

Sign up for the monthly newsletter here.

