Visual Hierarchy in UI Design

Fundamentals of UI Design Part-IV

Sushmita Singh
Code  Writers


Photo by Team Nocoloco on Unsplash

There are 7 fundaments of UI Design and visual hierarchy is one of them. Others are white space, color, contrast, scale, alignment, and typography. All these are connected to each other.

For example, you can create a visual hierarchy in your interface by using typography like making your headings bigger to draw more attention to them.

If there is something off with your interface design, it will be one of these 7 things. If you pay attention to each of these fundamentals separately, you’ll identify the issue.

Table of Content

· What is Visual Hierarchy?
· Why Visual Hierarchy?
Using Alignment and White Space
Using Contrast and Color
Using Scale
· Points to Remember
· Takeaway
· Stay In Touch

What is Visual Hierarchy?

Visual hierarchy is the principle of arranging elements to show their order of importance. So, with visual hierarchy, we can establish the importance of some element over another in our UI design.



Sushmita Singh
Code  Writers

Writer || Coder || Book Lover. Helping you evolve into the ultimate version of yourself.