How much can you earn by monetizing your app using Google Admob

Nikesh Patel
Code Yoga
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2018

This is the first time I am writing a blog on any platform. Thanks to the Udacity Google scholarship program which encourages us to indulge in such activities and also to my fellow mates who kept sharing their blogs. So let me get straight to my topic. If you are one of those developers who want to know what exactly will we earn if we monetise our app using Google Admob. If you are one of those enthusiasts who wants to know how many downloads will result in how many earnings etc. then this blog is for you.

I will share my own experience. I developed an app related to Cricket predictions and launched it on Play Store on 27th August 2017. The app till date has around 1,25,000 downloads. The thing which matters the most is not how many users you have but ‘HOW MANY ACTIVE USERS YOU HAVE’.

Initially the earnings were around 5k to 7k and at that time the active users were around 3k-4k. Slowly as the user base increased to around 10k active users the earnings too increased to around 15k to 20k. I have included two snapshots one is related to Admob earnings in the specified period and the other one related to active users from the Firebase Analytics.

Admob Earnings from 27th Aug 2017 to 3rd Apr 2018
Active users from 27th Aug 2017 to 3rd Apr 2018

Notice one strange thing that in the month of December the earnings shoot up to around 27k. In this month I introduced a new update to the app and also added Interstitial ad to the app. But the effect was limited to the December and January months. What I observed is whenever you introduce any new app ID you get more eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions). So this effect started fizzling out in the next 2 months. My app contained 3 types of ads Banner, Interstitial and Native. Native ads are discontinued from March 2018, so the revenue dropped because of this reason. The app is based on cricket predictions, so more the cricket matches more was the revenue for me, specially if the matches were of Indian team.

So if I want to sum up things I would say that the app earnings will mainly depend on following things

1. How many active users your app has and for how much time these users are engaged in your app.

2. How many new users you are adding in your app.

3. The location of your app. In countries like USA and European countries you get more eCPM compared to India.

4. The types of ads you have in your app. Rewarded Videos are the best for earning.

One more point I would like to make here is related to firebase. Initially I was on a free plan, but within 10 days I had to switch to the Blaze plan. The first threshold you will breach is that of 100 simultaneous connections per second. Today my app easily reaches to around 1500 simultaneous connections. The good thing about Firebase is that the upgrading process from free plan to Blaze plan is very easy. And the best part is once you shift to Blaze plan Google provides you 300 Dollars credit for 1 year absolutely free.

So in simplest terms if somebody want to know how much you will earn through Admob, just remember this golden rule.


I am also sharing my app’s link (Link Updated on 05/05/2018 as the previous app got suspended due to some technical reason, revised app uploaded). Do download it and give good ratings and reviews. And if you have any questions related to Admob earnings, feel free to ask me.

