My story of Google India Challenge Scholarship

Pranav Vyas
Code Yoga
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2018
Scholarship Bedge

Ding… It was used to be the normal sound of notifications but this time it was no normal but it was beginning of something great. That gmail notification said “We are excited to offer you a Google India Challenge Scholarship …” I was like what ?!! I was selected in scholarship ,Yeah!

Let me tell you about my self first I am Pranav Vyas ,Currently perusing B.Tech in Chemical Engineering in 2nd year. I always liked to solve problems in coding ever since I was introduced to coding ,but as my core engineering branch didn’t have anything to do with computers It was pretty difficult for me to spend time in coding and developing I started with C and HTML ,than I learned C++ and Java than Android came in picture and now I am developing apps in android.

So enough about me let’s move on original story , on February 7th I received mail and my classes started from the February 14th, I can’t wait for February 14th first time in my life (If you know what I am talking about ; )) On February 14th I opened mail and slack and I was surprised to see many people online at one time talking to each other and meeting ,making friends. I was nervous at starting but due to support of community I started talking and it was awesome experience!There were channels for every queries let it be technical non technical and anything at all so It was fun from starting, I found some friends from my city and talked with them and It was awesome experience and I was looking forward what It would be like in next Three months.

One week passed and there was an announcement on slack of selecting moderator I thought that why don’t I contribute in community and help others as well I filled in form and boom I am now moderator or Gujarat channel ! By this time I had more responsibility and also more chances to grow my self!!But I suddenly realized that my exams were near (because I liked this course so much I forgot I was doing chemical engineering also ;) )and so It was difficult to catch up both at same time but ,I managed somehow !

After exam were over ,everything became normal and I was doing well and I liked course so much that It was never became boring not event at night !I started to organize online competitive coding competitions and quizzes At first I din’t got much response but later people started to take interest and It was becoming fun for us !!

So that’s how it started Now I am feeling pretty confident in making apps thanks to loving and supporting community thanks to moderators like Akshit Jain ,thanks to Udacity team, thanks to Google for making me part of this scholarship and looking forward to meet you all in second phase as well ;)



Pranav Vyas
Code Yoga

Sometimes it’s the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine