Coffeescript: A Thesis to JavaScript

Code Zen
2 min readDec 1, 2014


Coffeescript can teach us more about Javascript than Javascript itself.

Truth be told, a lot has been said about Coffeescript. The fact that it merely stands as a language on itself make it more of a “lazy-style” Javascript. Some even said you can learn everything about Coffeescript in a day once you know Javascript. Well, for me, the truth is the inverse—Coffeescript actually teach me more about Javascript than Javascript itself.

To be straightforward, Javascript is sort of like all the booze you have in a wild party. Too much of it always come with a terrible hangover the next morning, but then you can’t help but go back to it on every Friday’s night. A lot of attempts were made to make sense of it, but it’s not simple with something so rawly invented (in ten days). (Brainfuck might have been a more appropriate name for Javascript, if it hadn’t been more appropriately taken by the language.)

Coffeescript, on the contrary, was an exceptional attempt to reinterpret Javascript in a more poetic way. Since it sits atop Javascript, it can look like a hack, but when you take away all the unnecessary C’s skins and introduce a bit of conciseness and expressiveness found in Ruby and Python, you can learn a lot more about how things should be coded.

**However, be warned that coding the Ruby way with Coffeescript can lead to a total disaster and totally disturbingly unreadable code.



Code Zen

I’m interested in Web3 and machine learning, and helping ambitious people. I like programming in Ocaml and Rust. I angel invest sometimes.