Code1161 — Week 14

Tom W
Design Computing
Published in
1 min readJun 14, 2017

Finishing up

Lab books — tag each by week — 13 in total

Pull request — just do something — fork, clone, run, edit, commit, push, pull request

The rest — exercises 100%; check if anything’s missing

Open data –

Introduce data set

- Why does the data exist? What does it describe?

- Why do you care?

- Who collected it? Why was it collected?

(tell a story)

Pre-processing (str to int etc.)

- record steps

- be explicit about how it might affect your results (collection bias etc.)

- get credit for all your work cleaning

describe data

- how many rows, how many columns, what kind of data

- do graphs — one for each column “this is normal. This is normal. This is weird, we’ll talk about it later”

Insight (freestyle jazz)

- show off

· consider presenting a notebook. Install slideshow plugin (froms slack), run through it first and include/disclude


control for socio/econ, altitude.

See if there is a change compared to climate in less wealthy areas.

Find a ~price for energy & compare marginal cost of aircon against income.

